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Primark: Already three cries for help from workers

At Primark's affordable prices, customers like to hit.
Photo: Getty Images

Message in the dress is not the only one

The cry for help on the wash label of one of his clothes was described by the Irish fashion label Primark as an isolated case - now other garments also appeared in the news.

, After receiving no response from the customer hotline, the woman turned to the public - causing a scandal.

Apparently, this is not an isolated case, as claimed by Primark . Another customer now found a label in her dress saying "degrading sweatshop conditions".

Anyone who wonders about the good English skills of the seamstresses, may be right at this point. A third case, which differs significantly from the first two, but throws a new light on the scandal.

A woman from Northern Ireland found a piece of paper with a message in Chinese in her pants, which she had bought from Primark three years ago . On the yellow piece of paper in capital letters is the headline "SOS! SOS! SOS!".

The text describes how workers in a prison would be forced to sew clothes in inhumane conditions for 15 hours a day. Here is the authenticity probably less doubt - after all, the message was wrapped in the prison card of a Chinese detention center. The woman did not find the news until this week, she had never worn the pants before.

Primark wants to investigate the cases, but indicates that the pants were sold in 2009 in Northern Ireland. Since then, nine checks have been carried out without any indication of forced labor.

Incidentally, this is not the first time that such a case is known. In 2012, a customer of the Saks Fifth Avenue department store found a note in her purse where a Chinese prisoner begged for help because he was illegally detained and exploited as a forced laborer.

The scandal surrounding the production circumstances is by no means only a matter of Primark, but rather a problem for the entire fashion industry, for which a solution should be found as quickly as possible.

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