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Listeria in sausage products-EILT- Two dead because of pizza salami & Bühwürwürst: meat company in Hesse closed!

After two deaths from germs in sausages, a meat producer in northern Hesse has to stop production.

Photo: Istock

The veterinary office of the Waldeck-Frankenberg district closed the Wilke Wurstwaren farm in Twistetal-Berndorf, a district spokeswoman said on Wednesday. In several cases Listeria had been detected in sausage products . An investigation by the Robert Koch Institute revealed a direct connection to two deaths, two elderly people from Hesse. Previously, the Hesse-Lower Saxony General (HNA) had reported about it.

Listeria are bacteria that can lead to diarrhea and fever . In people with weakened immune systems, they can be life threatening . According to the county, there are 37 other cases of illness that may be related to the company's sausage products. The county announced a global recall for all of the company's products except for full canned goods.

According to the district, the germs were detected in pizza salami and boiled sausage . The first find in a Wilke product was in March. Despite countermeasures, the company did not get the problem under control. Also in the following months there had been complaints. The prosecutor in Kassel had been informed about the events, the spokeswoman said.

The company Wilke Wurstwaren claims to go back to a village butchery more than 80 years ago. The company employs about 200 employees according to figures on its homepage and exports goods worldwide.

via DPA
