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Gardening in February - this must be done

Photo: deco & style
  1. Tickle the garden
  2. rounder
  3. Everything under the hood
  4. Gardening in February - it's still up

Tickle the garden

As long as it's still cold outside, it's fun to watch the birds at the winter feeding place. But on the terrace and balcony, we are already taking care of the first splashes of color.

The cold months are not yet over, but if we look very closely, we are already discovering the first spring messengers: The sun is a little higher on the horizon, and the potted plants already form fresh shoots in winter quarters for the upcoming season. Our anticipation grows with each snowdrop, which bends its flowers towards the sky. If you're craving for a little more color, you can give nature a little bit of a boost, with fragrant irises and other driven onion bulbs for glowing blooms on the balcony and patio.

The early bloomers tolerate light frost and are put into the bed after blooming. From February on, the first seed packets may finally be opened. Although you can sow annual beauties such as the morning glory or the black-eyed Susanne directly in flower boxes in mid-May, but if you prefer the grains on the windowsill in the spring, the plants bloom much earlier. Our gardening tip : treat yourself to a pretty greenhouse, which you can use as a decoration all year round after the cultivation.


A glass glasshouse can be seen everywhere and used creatively throughout the year. Here we planted it with pre-drilled snowdrops and pearl hyacinths, covered the earth with moss and put wooden animal figures in it.

Everything under the hood

Gardening in February : Seedlings do not need much space for a good start. A miniature greenhouse also fits on the windowsill. Summer flowers, herbs and tomatoes can be sown as early as February, and it is fun to think of the warm season when opening the seeds. In order to increase the seed, you should light the containers filled with cultivation soil and provide a cover for high humidity. This is easy by freezer bags or more beautifully with a room greenhouse.

Growing set made of recycled plastic, with planter, hood and saucer, 36 x 26 x 19 cm, about 16 €, garden magic

Gardening in February - it's still up

1. Cultivating lenten roses: cut off brown and spotted leaves and thus make room for flowers to come.

2. Prefer eggplants: sow in a room greenhouse in late winter, set up bright and warm.

3. Drive the chives: dig out of the bed, potty, put on the windowsill and harvest after a week first green.

(Photos: deco & style, manufacturer)
