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Facebook: Photos endanger friendships

Do sharing photos on Facebook endanger friendships?
Photo: AFP / Getty Images

blessing and curse

Who shares many unfiltered photos on Facebook, risks his friendships in real life.

Already shared a photo on Facebook today? Sure, of course! That's fun too! As fun as you think, this fun is not, according to a new study . Sharing photos should therefore endanger the relationship with friends, family and colleagues.

"Our study has found that those who regularly post photos on Facebook risk harming their relationships in real life, " Dr. David Houghton from Birmingham Business School, who was involved in the study .

The reason lies in the diversity of our Facebook contacts. One must realize that close friends and relatives would classify images differently than colleagues or acquaintances.

And this already starts in the partnership: "If partners share more photos of the family, that is positively regarded as a sign of support, " says the report. If partners share more photos from friends on Facebook, it would be more negative in terms of intimacy.

The result of the study is actually no surprise. After all, in real life, not everyone shows ten photos of his new car or the ultrasound pictures of the pregnant daughter.

"Sharing is a great way to improve relationships, " says Dr. Ben Marder from the University of Edinburgh Business School and also involved in the study. "But it can also harm them, " he concludes.

Facebook Tips

By creating friends' lists, you can better manage contacts on Facebook. For example, you can create a list for close friends and family and one for the wider circle of acquaintances. Each time you share photos, you can set exactly which list the post can see.

So you can make sure that good friends really look forward to the great holiday photos and the neighbor no jealousy arises. And then it works with the friendships on Facebook ...

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