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Spanking Attorney's Office demands acquittal for defendants in the case of the dead Niklas

In May 2016, 17-year-old Niklas P. died as a result of a brutal fight. Now the public prosecutor's office demands Bonn to acquit the main defendant.

In May 2017 Niklas P. died after a brutal beating attack. Now the public prosecutor in Bonn demands an acquittal for the main defendant.
Photo: iStock

On a weekend in May 2016, the 17-year-old Niklas P. from Bad Breisig (Rhineland-Palatinate) was traveling at night with his friends in the Bonn district of Bad Godesberg. On the way home, he met a group of four young men that evening. There was an exchange of words, finally Niklas was smashed. He went down.

A slap on the head pushed Niklas down. A few days after the attack, Niklas succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.

Against the main accused, a 21-year-old man, the public prosecutor's office Bonn first charged with manslaughter. On the basis of an opinion proving that Niklas' brain vessels were damaged, the prosecution changed the charge of bodily harm resulting in death.

However, on Tuesday, the district attorney at the district court announced that it was not certain that the main defendant had really attacked the victim. At this time, another man comes as a perpetrator in question. For this reason, the prosecutor now demands an acquittal.

The 21-year-old is also charged with another offense. For the dangerous bodily injury, the prosecutor's office demands 12 months probation on probation.


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