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Worth knowing about pigment spots, back pain and kidney stones

Questions to family doctor Dr. med. Petra Bracht

The general practitioner and Naturopath has a private practice in Bad Homburg.

  1. Pigment spots: With Vitamin E the skin change fades
  2. Back pain: Loosen the tension with a firm grip
  3. Colds: Homeopathy helps to get rid of the cold
  4. Sleep Disorders: A bath with rose oil makes you look nice and tired
  5. Kidney stones: drink; as much as you can!
  6. Your right as a patient

Here she will advise you.

Pigment spots: With Vitamin E the skin change fades

Since the summer I have so many pigment spots. Can they be dangerous?

Sophie L. (49), Naumburg

Reply from Dr. Bracht:

No, not usually. Pigment spots are completely harmless, but unfortunately not very nice. There are usually two reasons for their onset: the intake of hormone supplements, such as the pill and hormone replacement therapy, as well as the increasing age. The only protection is to avoid the direct sun. Because they form the dark pigmentation marks on the skin. Even sunscreens are not always enough. To soften these spots again, you can use the gel of a vitamin E capsule. Rub the discolored areas regularly twice a day for several weeks. Of course, a laser treatment is also conceivable, which you can have carried out by the dermatologist. It leads faster to success, but costs more.

Back pain: Loosen the tension with a firm grip

I always get massages when my back is tight or hurts. I have heard of "Rolfing". What about keeping this method?

Sybille N. (46), Pirmasens

Reply from Dr. Bracht:

This method was developed by Ida Rolf and is similar to massage, but goes far beyond its effect. Rolfing is more intense and can sometimes hurt easily, as the Rolfing therapist works very hard on the connective tissue and the muscle sheaths called fascia. However, the effects caused by them last much longer than with normal massages. Well-trained "Rolfer" offer ten sessions in the package and improve the entire musculoskeletal system through the treatments. What also helps in the long term to release tension in the musculature are other therapeutic measures. For example, the pain point pressure, through which the muscles are loosened. You can support the treatment yourself. With back exercises under guidance (this often pays the health insurance), because that strengthens the muscles in the cross in the long run.

Colds: Homeopathy helps to get rid of the cold

If I get a cold, I do not want to take medication right now. Is there any help from homeopathy?

Dorit K. (49), Lindau

Reply from Dr. Bracht:

For me, colds are a sign of the body that he needs rest, to rid himself of accumulated metabolic waste products and thereby strengthen his immune system. That's why you should not suppress this natural cleansing effect. But you can very well shorten the course of the disease with homeopathic remedies from the pharmacy. In case of a rather slow onset of illness, try Arnica D6 (pharmacy) three globules three times a day, which will slowly melt under the tongue. If the nose runs permanently and coughing and sore throat, I recommend globules with Allium cepa, with additional headache the remedy Luffa. Important: Take homeopathic supplements well 30 minutes before eating and drinking or between meals. Coffee, alcohol and minty toothpaste should be avoided. If you are unsure which remedy is right, a doctor's visit will help. If the symptoms do not resolve and fever and body aches come along, it could be a flu virus. Then immediately to the family doctor!

Sleep Disorders: A bath with rose oil makes you look nice and tired

I often wake up at night. In the morning, therefore, I usually feel tired and battered. What can I do against it?

Stefanie R. (45), Hildesheim

Reply from Dr. Bracht:

It is normal to wake up at night. That happens about 25 times a night. However, we do not accept this. Only when these waking phases last more than three minutes, we become aware of this condition. My tip for connoisseurs: Before going to bed, a warm bath with rose oil supports the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. That makes you tired and lets you sleep better.

Further help is as follows: Do not eat in the evening later than 18 o'clock. Remove all electrical appliances, such as clock radios, from the bedroom. Open the window and ventilate the bedroom well. Even the air in big cities is better than in closed rooms! Avoid problem discussions and exciting movies before bedtime, so avoid nocturnal musings. If you are sensitive to light, darken the bedroom with blinds or curtains or wear special sleeping goggles (available at the drugstore). Ear plugs also help against disturbing noises.

Kidney stones: drink; as much as you can!

I have blood in my urine and had severe kidney pain over the weekend. Now I am worried. Could that have been a colic?

Manuela F. (49), Cologne

Reply from Dr. Bracht:

Usually a renal colic is so painful that you can not stand the pain. Then go to your doctor right away. He will take an ultrasound scan of your kidneys and see what triggered the pain. If it is a renal colic, it usually causes nausea and vomiting. Sometimes kidney stones are the cause of chronic inflammation, which can then manifest in colicky pain. Such stones are usually found in adults between 20 and 50 years, men are more likely than women. They develop from constituents of urine, which are normally dissolved in it.

However, when these substances (for example, calcium salts) are deposited, they can crystallize out in various forms. Often the stones are only rice grain size (then they are called kidney grits), but they can also have several centimeters in diameter. In the latter case, the doctor has to remove the stone. This works quite well today using sound waves that shatter the stone into small pieces. With kidney semolina, easy jumping or jumping can cause them to go away by themselves. Move a lot and climb stairs. You should also drink as much water as you can. This "flushes" the kidneys.

Your right as a patient

What does the cashier pay? When am I entitled to compensation? Good, if you know his right

Cancellation fee is justified

I forgot an appointment with my GP and did not even call. Now he wants a cancellation fee. Is that right?

Kathrin C., Remagen

Doctor appointments that you can not comply with should be canceled on time (preferably 24 hours before). In case of need also at short notice. If an appointment is missed without excuse, then the patient is obliged to replace the physician's missed treatment time. (Az .: 19 S 34/97)

Cash register must pay mattress

I'm allergic to dust mites. My doctor has now advised me to a mattress cover. The cashier does not want to pay.

Sandra R., Lüneburg

Special mattress covers can relieve allergies. Since such a reference is also a commodity, your health insurance must pay only the "remedy relevant" cost share (ie the extra price compared to conventional references). This applies if the price for the special cover is at least twice as high as for a normal one. (Az .: 1 RK 8/95)

Compensation for parodontosis

Because of severe periodontosis, I was at the orthodontist two months ago. Since then, my illness has worsened. What now?

Maja S., Schwerin

You could ask for compensation. Because instead of the expected cure a deterioration has occurred. Talk to your dentist and have your condition assessed by a periodontitis expert. (Az .: 1 RK 8/95)

Over the weekend in the clinic?

After my knee surgery I had to stay in the clinic over the weekend. The final exam was already on Friday. Was this necessary?

Elvi B., Hamm

It is questionable whether this was medically necessary. Because a patient has to stay longer than medically necessary in the clinic, this is a breach of contract. The hospital owner may even be liable for damages. (Az .: 3 O 238/86)

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