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Vertebral Gliding: Definition, Causes and Course of the Disease

In vertebral gliding, the spine loses stability. Everyone has 34 dorsal vertebrae. They consist of vertebral bodies and vertebral arches. The strung arches form a channel through which the nerve cords run to the brain. Frequently there is a break of one or more of these arches in childhood, usually in the lower backbone. Responsible are often sports that stretch the back: ballet, javelin, high jump, dolphin swimming and others. As a result, the affected vertebra moves less stable over the lower one and slides past it, called vertebral gliding. Other causes of spondylolisthesis may be congenital malformations or adult wear.

Eddy gliding can lead to postural defects and increasing signs of wear. Tense, aching muscles, damage to intervertebral discs or nerves are the possible consequences. In many cases, the eddy glide makes no complaints at least initially. Later, recurrent complaints are expected, which occur in the early stages, especially during sports or other physical stress. Vertebral gliding may also cause chronic tension and pain, as well as a hollow back. If an indented nerve triggers sensory palsy or paralysis, you should call the ambulance. There is a danger that even important organ functions will be blocked.

Treatment of eddy gliding

Vertebral gliding is usually treated with physiotherapy, massages and targeted muscle building - this is often enough. Only a few cases of vertebral gliding require surgery.

Prevention and self-help with vertebral gliding

In order to prevent vertebral gliding, it is always important to pay attention to its normal weight and to move sufficiently. Back-friendly sports such as backstroke, crawl, water aerobics, jogging, hiking or yoga are ideal for prevention. Affected people with vertebrae, who are susceptible to eddy-sliding due to their living conditions and sports, should avoid sports that affect the back (such as ballet, javelin, high jump, dolphin swimming).

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