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We give crooked fruits and vegetables a chance

Fruits and vegetables do not always have to look perfect
  1. To develop appreciation of fruits and vegetables
  2. Sustainability Initiative of Netto
  3. Action in November

To develop appreciation of fruits and vegetables

Netto's sustainability campaign is intended to show consumers that the fruits and vegetables with their blemishes also taste good. We succeed in the action and give crooked and crooked fruits and vegetables a chance!

In the supermarket shelves is only the fruits and vegetables that looks impeccable. Products that do not look perfect are often disposed of - and that affects about a third of the crop! Apples, carrots and other fruits and vegetables, which do not correspond to the ideal of beauty, can convince us by their quality and taste.

Sustainability Initiative of Netto

Netto launched the sustainable initiative two years ago and regularly offers domestic products with beauty products at reasonable prices. This is intended to help consumers appreciate the imperfect products.

"As part of our sustainable range approach, we aim to further increase the public appreciation of food by selling non-perfect-looking fruit. At the same time, cooperation with German producers and farmers is a high priority for us all year round. With the complementary sale of food with minor flaws, we continue to expand these partnerships, "says Christina Stylianou, director of corporate communications at Netto Marken-Discount.

Action in November

Netto Marken-Discount will offer the crooked, crooked and misshapen apples and carrots nationwide from 23 to 28 November 2015. The 2-kilogram bag of misshapen apples is € 1.49 and the 1-kilogram bag of crooked carrots is 49 cents much cheaper than the fruit and vegetables in the regular range.


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