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How well do you know the signals of your body?

Our body talks to us - we just have to listen
Photo: Benicce, Fotolia

Feel-good world

An eyelid twitches. Or you suddenly have palpitations. Is something serious behind this? Soothing when you know the causes. Because they are mostly harmless.

We live with him, in him - our body is familiar to us. For real? Sometimes we feel reactions like dizziness or palpitations. What is behind it? Mostly nothing serious.

Nevertheless, when we observe our body, we consciously feel it and trace its signals. Let us train our intuition. Because sometimes he might warn us about something that is not right. If in doubt, it never hurts to go to the doctor as a precaution.

Hiccough: You ate too hastily

All of a sudden, the diaphragm twitches. At the same time the larynx lid closes in a flash - hicks, one has a hiccup (singultus). This reflex is usually triggered when we have eaten or drunk too hastily, too hot or too cold. Or the stomach is too full.

What to do?

In addition to waiting, you can also try it as follows: hold your breath, press the tongue strongly against the palate, eat dry bread, eat a teaspoon of sugar or drink a glass of water quickly. But it is important: If the hiccup after a day should not be gone, go to the doctor. In rare cases, persistent hiccup may be a sign of oesophageal inflammation or other chest or abdominal inflammation.

Stomach growl: air makes the sound

Sometimes we hear it loudly. Comfort: stomach growling is a sign that your digestion is working well. The stomach is a hollow muscle, it mixes the food and carries it on. For this purpose, he presses himself together piece by piece (peristalsis). He does that too, when he is empty except for a little air. Through the movement, he pushes the air, which generates the sounds.

What to do?

Give him food. When the stomach is slightly filled, the sounds are muted. Good is everything that is creamy or creamy, z. B. yogurt. SOS tip: Drink a glass of warm water. Heat relaxes the stomach.

Eyelash: the cause is a stress hormone

An eyelid or fine muscles on the outer corner of the eye begin to flutter, sometimes it tickles. This is a so-called fasciculation, an involuntary contraction of fine muscle fibers.

The stress hormone adrenalin plays a role here. It irritates small muscles. This is most noticeable under the skin. The reason is often too little sleep or too much stress in everyday life.

What to do?

You need more peace. Treat yourself to more breaks, sleep at least seven hours daily. Walk more often, preferably in the evening. This relaxes and inhibits the stress hormones.

Dizziness: sign of overwork

One has the feeling that everything is spinning. Especially in the morning, that happens. Mostly it's a normal reaction and harmless. But dizziness can also be a sign of physical overload.

You may work too much, too often in a rush. Weather changes can also cause dizziness: the circulation is weaker. Therefore, the brain gets too little sugar from the blood, but it needs as food.

What to do?

Stimulating alternating showers in the morning and in the evening train your circulation. SOS Help: Drinking a large glass of warm tea with 1 tsp of sugar quickly reboots the circulation. Then you should eat a slice of wholemeal bread: The carbohydrates are slowly broken down into sugar, so the brain gets the right food for a long time.

Important: In case of dizziness by simply turning over and turning the head (so-called rotary vertigo) but you should go to the doctor. One possible cause is sometimes circulatory disorders in the inner ear.

Palpitations: nerves are tense

You lie in bed on the side and hear the beat of your heart? Or you feel like your heart is up to your neck? That is not life threatening. But it indicates emotional distress, often after prolonged periods of stress, eg. In the job. The nervous system is tense, sends strong signals to the heart, puts it on alert.

What to do?

Treat yourself to the peace and quiet you deserve. Say no more often. You will notice how many times you can take a short break. Acute Aid: Pour 50 drops of arnica tincture (pharmacy) into a glass of water (0.2 l) and drink. The plant substances calm the heart and circulation.

Sun-sneezing: The eyes trigger it

Once looked into the bright blue sky or in a bright lamp, already comes an uncontrollable sneeze. Why? Two nerve cords are very close together in front of the brain in one place: on the one hand the extension of the optic nerves, which direct stimuli from the eyes into the brain, and on the other hand the extension of the olfactory nerves. Strong stimuli from the eyes can jump over there to the olfactory duct. The triggers then the so-called light-sneezing.

What to do?

Important when sneezing: Do not suppress, otherwise the pressure in the chest increases immensely. This presses on veins in the chest, neck and head. Wear sunglasses. It also protects the corneas, lenses and retinas from damage by UV rays.

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