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Weather: Experts warn against El Nino

A possible consequence of El Ñino: floods.
Photo: Icon image / iStock

This year's El Nino is said to be one of the strongest

Currently, a special meteorological phenomenon is brewing in the Pacific: El Ñino turns the weather upside down. Experts warn against the worldwide impact.

Flooding, droughts, storms - El Ñino can disrupt the climate of the entire world. Experts expect particularly strong effects this year. They should even be comparable to those of El Ñino in 1997/1998. At that time, the climate anomaly resulted in crop failure, a total of $ 33 billion in damage around the world and 23, 000 deaths.

The name 'El Ñino ' refers to a weather phenomenon that causes, among other things, the rise in water temperatures in the Pacific, more specifically in the equatorial region. The phenomenon does not occur every year, but at intervals of three to eight years. Originally El Ñino, the expression comes from Peruvian fishermen, who saw losses in fishing as a result of the climate phenomenon. El Ñino is triggered by weakening westerly winds, which no longer drive the moist air into the direction of Australia and Asia as usual. At the same time, the cool deep water of the Humboldt Current is no longer flushed up off the South American coast. This increases the water temperature of the Pacific and the climate turns around.

As a result of the increase in temperature in South America there is usually almost sint-like rainfall. In the west of the equatorial Pacific, where there is usually a lot of rainfall, there is no rain anymore. This is where drought periods prevail. The same applies to Southeast Asia and Australia. There is a high risk of forest fires.

In 2015, experts warn of particularly strong effects of El Ñino. It has already been established that the temperatures in the Pacific would be two degrees higher than usual.

In general, it is expected that El Ñino this year could favor a global warming record. Although in 2014 all previously documented temperature values ​​were topped. The strongest effects are expected in winter. The current El Ñino is expected to last until the spring of 2016.
