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Knit vest: with free instructions for download

Photo: Luke Albert RM / cultura / Corbis


Still spring is coming. No problem, because we cuddle up in a self-made vest in red.

On your marks, get set, go! We use the still rather uncomfortable days to start again a small and cozy knitting session .

This time we chose the project " knit vest ". We have chosen extra for a long model, this keeps our back always nicely covered and sometimes concealed small Pölsterchen. But that's not all ...

The great thing: on cold days, you can not only wear it over a longsleeve or turtleneck, but also take it outside in the garden on summer nights as an additional source of cuddling and warmth.

Say: if we knit a long vest, we have a real all-rounder in the wardrobe . Of course we also make it in a beautiful color for every season. Fresh red nuances spice up the winter and shine happily in the summer.

If you want to know how to knit the long waistcoat and the right belt, then you have come to the right place. Because here you get the free knitting instructions for downloading. We hope you enjoy starting ...


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