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Wheat away, bacon gone!

Photo: Michael A. Keller / Corbis

Do not we ever need a diet again?

The US cardiologist Dr. med. William Davis has spent many years studying the dangers of our wheat hunger. In addition to "food allergies, diabetes , osteoarthritis and a greatly accelerated aging process, " weighs a consequence particularly difficult: overweight.

Wheat-free live and the bacon is gone

The fact that our well-being tubercle is for the most part also a wheat tummy is explained by Dr. med. Davis with the appetizing effect of the cereal. If we eat a lot of bread, noodles and cakes, "the blood sugar level rises sharply and falls off quickly. The result: we are only briefly fed up and then we get a big appetite." Thus, the craving for wheat penetrates ever deeper into the addiction center of the brain. We become downright dependent.

A life without bread and noodles?

Dr. Davis actually advises cold withdrawal: "Only the strict renunciation of wheat flour products can free us from the food starvation spiral." Easier said than done. Wheat is always on our minds: in the form of bread, cake, pizza and spaghetti, we recognize it easily. In finished products, sauces and sweets, he can hide well. But the attempt to hold two wheat-free weeks on trial is worthwhile. And then the pancetta disappears by itself!

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