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Open wine bottle without corkscrew

Corkscrews and pocket knives are not available, so a shoe has to be opened

It's that easy

Everyone knows this annoying situation: "You want to drink delicious wine with friends and have no corkscrew at hand?"

Now do not get upset, we have a simple solution trick for you.

What you need for it?

Nothing more than a shoe, a wall and a little sensitivity. Place the wine bottle with the bottom in a shoe. Then you knock (with feeling) on ​​the wall.

With each stroke, the cork piece for pieces of the bottle dissolves, until finally it can easily be dissolved out. Now the wine can flow again!

It's that easy: Everyone knows this annoying situation: "You want to drink delicious wine with friends and have no corkscrew at hand?" Do not worry, we have a simple solution trick for you.

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