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What birds in a dream mean

Dream Interpretation: V gel

Who flutters through the dream? Among other things, birds are a symbol for freedom and ideas in dream interpretation.

What birds in a dream mean
Photo: Thinkstock
What the animals can still mean, reveals the dream lexicon.

Who in the dream is neatly getzwitschert who should let his thoughts and ideas (bird) run wild. One or more birds may be for ideas that still have to be unfolded. Furthermore, the dream symbol can embody the ideas and desires of the dreaming: According to the dream interpretation, a free-flying bird stands high in the air for previously unattained goals or unfulfilled needs.

From A like farewell to Z like teeth - what our dreams reveal, shows the Dream Interpretation Gallery (20 pictures):

Dream interpretation: bird can embody an ideal

A high-flying bird in the dream may be a sign of spiritual awareness. It can also be an indication of the search for wisdom or clarity, which must therefore rise high. A bird as a pet can embody an ideal that is important to the dreaming. If the plumage is presented, according to the interpretation of the dream, this may represent the outward appearance of the dreamer, as he sees himself or gives in the presence of others.

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