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What nudity means in the dream

Dream Interpretation: Nakedness

Nakedness is in the interpretation of dreams not only for fear of exposure. Why this dream can stand for honesty and openness, you can find out here.

Photo: Thinkstock

Nakedness in dreams can have different meanings. If we see each other naked, that is innocent as at birth, it could mean that we want to show more honesty and openness in real life.

From A like farewell to Z like teeth - what our dreams reveal, shows the Dream Interpretation Gallery (20 pictures):

Nakedness as possible symbol for exposure

For example, if we suddenly find ourselves naked in the dream at an event in front of other people, it could be a symbol that we are afraid of being exposed or ashamed of a particular sexual need. Nakedness can also stand for a new beginning in our lives, a kind of rebirth.

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