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What your fingerprints say about you

Photo: iStock
  1. Dermatoglyphics examines what fingerprints tell about personality
  2. This research has identified three major distinctions in fingerprints and what they say about personality.
  3. 1. Your fingerprints form a loop
  4. 2. Your fingerprints make bows
  5. 3. Your fingerprints are in the vortex

Dermatoglyphics examines what fingerprints tell about personality

On the fingerprints one can recognize the personality of a person. Dermatoglyphics deals with this phenomenon. What do your fingerprints reveal about you?

Dermatoglyphics is a scientific discipline that deals with fingerprint research. Why are they unique to each person? How are they different?

The fingerprints of a human being are inherent. They do not change in the course of life - except through injuries and scarring.

In a sub-form of dermatoglyphics, the analyzing dermatoglyphics, it is being investigated to what extent the fingerprints reveal a person's personality.

This research has identified three major distinctions in fingerprints and what they say about personality.

What do your fingerprints say about you?

(Photo: iStock)

1. Your fingerprints form a loop

The loop is the most common fingerprint pattern in Europe. This pattern is associated with a calm and balanced personality.

People with such fingerprints are considered sympathetic and helpful. That's why they are often very popular and find friends quickly. They are diligent and responsible, but rarely take the initiative.

People with a loop as a fingerprint are communicative and open-minded. They are mostly fit for health, although as children they may have been sickly. People with this pattern are considered reliable, even if they avoid too tedious work that they do not fully believe.

If you have grinds on all your fingers, you have a lot of imagination, but there is a risk that you are a daydreamer and sometimes even seem naive.

(Photo: iStock)

2. Your fingerprints make bows

Your fingerprints go from left to right in a slight arc, without going the "detour" of a loop. People with this pattern are considered energetic and confident.

You can see these people in their entire body language their self-confidence - sometimes, however, this security can border even on stubbornness. They express their opinions, rarely change them, and find it very difficult to admit an error.

People with this pattern often have problems adapting and listening to others. These people like to gather their experiences through concrete actions.

People with bows as fingerprints love music and art. If they feel bad, they have to deal with it somehow. One should not expect too much yield from these people, but that can be good too: they are extremely loyal, reliable and there for their friends.

(Photo: iStock)

3. Your fingerprints are in the vortex

People with vertebrae as fingerprints are impatient, but free of envy. They have many talents and carefully analyze their environment.

People with these fingerprints often tend to start many projects at the same time and then give them up quickly because they have lost interest in it. These people often have a jumpy personality, are unpredictable and keep up with their true feelings. They are often dissatisfied with themselves and doubt everything and everyone. They search for knowledge in themselves, they read their knowledge for it.

They often seem phlegmatic, listless. They speak blankly, quietly and a bit slowly. If they carry the whirls on their two index fingers, they are great thinkers. People with these fingerprints are often very interested in research, law or programming.

People with twirls as fingerprints are versatile and complex personalities who often do not even know what they are capable of.

What does your palm tell about your personality?

Palm reading: This is what the individual hand lines mean

