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Why McDonald's has to close all branches in Bolivia

McDonald's closes all branches in Bolivia. The customers do not trust the fast food.
Photo: iStock
  1. Fast food chain
  2. How could it possibly come this far?
  3. "Why McDonald's failed in Bolivia"

Fast food chain

McDonald's is the most successful fast food chain in the world. All the more surprising that she had to close all branches in Bolivia. The surprising reason.

Actually, the principle is quite simple. McDonald's opens a new branch, the population is happy and the fast-food restaurant is making great achievements. Not so in Bolivia . For 14 years, McDonald's has been promoting the trust of its customers - without success. In August 2012, the world's fastest-growing fast food chain will close its doors.

In no single year can the fast food restaurant enter a positive business balance. Even the financial support of the parent company in the US does not pay off.

How could it possibly come this far?

The health portal is in agreement: Throughout the years, the Bolivian population has been mistrustful of American fast food. They did not allow themselves to be attracted by cheap prices or smart advertising campaigns to buy mass-produced goods. The health portal writes: " The Bolivians had no confidence in foods that are made so quickly, easily and in large quantities. " " They do not want to risk their health, " the experts continue.

On the other hand, the people note that the company has hardly done anything for a trusting relationship. It should have occurred situations in which shelter seekers were scared away.

"Why McDonald's failed in Bolivia"

The phenomenon ' McDonald's in Bolivia ' occupies the world. The documentary " Why McDonald's went broke in Bolivia " should bring light into the dark. Cooks, historians and nutritionists take a look behind the scenes and get to the bottom of the question of why McDonald's failed in Bolivia. The focus is on the tradition of Bolivian cuisine, the people's attachment to the earth and their love of natural ingredients.

Most Bolivians live in rural areas. They grow their own fruits and vegetables and their coffee beans, they slaughter their own cattle. Conversely, that does not mean that they do not go out to eat - just not to McDonald's.

The joy of closing the eight branches in Bolivia is so great that the locals have composed a song about the failure of McDonald's . The message: "The good taste is mine".
