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Editor'S Choice

Why one should let his child cry

When your own child cries, it breaks your heart, but excessive care is also not good, it is important to find a healthy middle ground.
Photo: iStock

Helicopter Parents vs. easy education

Helicopter parents are controversial but widespread, others pursue a more relaxed education concept. Two camps that just do not agree.

Today we live in a culture of fear, fear of pain, fear of loss, fear of the stranger, fear of failure and our children seem to be the biggest victims in this world. We want to protect them, they want to grow up happy and carefree, but this overprotection of our children does exactly the opposite. The fact that the children are always the focus, their own decisions are denied them. Your independent thinking and acting is not sufficiently trained.

Parents with a more relaxed education concept, on the other hand, believe that it is important for the child's development to let go, to allow his child to make mistakes, and to learn from them. Because these parents rightly ask the question: "How should my child learn to think independently if I take everything from him?" Children are smart and will learn to come to terms in difficult situations, especially if their guardians show this to them.

Education for independence, robustness and problem-solving ability

Parents should not organize around their children a desireless happy world and pack them from morning to night in cotton wool. Instead, they can serve as role models for their children and show them how to deal with emotions, difficult situations and conflicts.

When the natural hierarchy between parents and children is restored, children again have role models to orient, look up to, and emulate. When the child is not always in focus, they learn to compromise, learn to cooperate, and assess their own and other emotions much better.

Therefore, the appeal of education experts is : Love your children, but let them cry too. Allow them to make mistakes and sometimes fail. They will learn from these situations, remember later, and be grateful that you had confidence in them that they could handle these things themselves.

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