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Editor'S Choice

Why these women like to say, "I'm # not nice

With her video project # nicht schön Marie Meimberg stands for self-confident women.

The fairy tale of the perfect woman

There are always new ways to look young, immaculate, and styled head to toe. And with each of us we discover problem areas, which we accepted generously for years. Stop it, says the video campaign # not nice.

"Who actually said that being beautiful is the new shit?", Says the video project of Marie Meimberg . The Thing's Answer ("I sing, speak, paint, cook, close and sometimes do not, then I produce, or sit on a web video director's chair"): "I'm awesome. # Not nice, what are you? ". In doing so, she does not initiate the # hashtag campaign, which calls for women not just to be reduced to looks. In every woman there is so much more ....

A bone of contention: Marie Meimberg noticed that, no matter what women put on YouTube for videos, the comments were always about the protagonists' looks, whether the woman was pretty or not. "Why should we all be beautiful no matter what we do?" Meimberg's clip says. "Everything should be beautiful, even ugly."

And we also ask ourselves: Why does everything have to be so perfect? And why - damn it - do we women really want to live up to this claim?

The media shows day and night how seemingly effortless other women are running at full speed. Children, kitchen and career can be reconciled. Doing pearl-white teeth to show powerful biting, wanting to stay as they are, and always distribute a peck to friends. Beauty can be bought today. With expensive creams, the right fitness trainer or the surgeon. Main thing nice, seems the motto.

But why is that? Women attach great importance to their external presentation. The children's own styling, home decor or clothing must form an impeccable façade in order to avoid being criticized. But is not it just these immaculate, always beautiful women who are boring and sterile?

What we find beautiful? Saying, "I'm # not nice, I'm self-ironic, different, enthusiastic, direct, loyal, funny, smart ... or just awesome!" A high on the diversity!

The video "Ich bin # nichtschön" was created as part of the event in Berlin.

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