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Full lips without surgery? It went wrong with this woman!

Brittany Forster before and after her CandyLipz experience: So the student had not imagined the effect.
Photo: Brittany Forster (via Daily Mail)

This pouting effect was different than expected!

Student Brittany Forster tried a device that enlarges the lips - and regretted it. Because the result was anything but a sensual pout. And the effect got worse.

No, we are not all equipped with a kiss like Angelina Jolie. But there is also a beauty tool on the Internet! The promise: No matter if you have too small lips or uneven lips - after only a few minutes CandyLipz conjures a full pout for everyone . Brittany Forster from Australia has tried it - and regrets it bitterly.

Beauty model of the 24-year-olds: Kardashian sister Kylie Jenner, who made headlines with an overnight-Knutschmund . Brittany Forster invested in the lips enlarging device called CandyLipz. The apple-shaped gadget for just under 60 euros is placed on the mouth, sucks the lips and creates a swelling.

According to the CandyLipz website, the product raises the lip arch, raises the mouth and smoothes bumps - the effects last for up to two hours.

But as with many beauty gadgets that can be bought online, Brittany Forster's reality check should be slightly different. After only two minutes Candylipz on the lips, the student solved the tool ... and revealed a bizarre swollen XXL pout.

"I solved it and could only look in the mirror and ask myself, 'Oh God, what have I done? No, no, no, that can not be, ' said the student from Sydney to the Daily Mail.

And to make matters worse, the durability of "two hours" took much longer than advertised. Two days later, Brittany Forster's lips blushed red, on the fourth day her mouth was blue and bruised.

"I thought so, that will stay forever, I put on lipstick, thought if I look like that now, I have to get used to the look, " she said. Only days later, the effect finally subsided.

"What's funny is that at the sight of Kylie Jenner's lips, I thought they looked ridiculously big, " Brittany Forster told The Daily Mail. "But that's exactly how ridiculous I looked." The student proved humor and put the video itself on YouTube online.

Candylipz also volunteered for Brittany Forster's self-experiment, saying that they "loved" Brittany's results and noted that it is quite normal for users to be "temporarily" injured (sometimes for up to seven days ...).

Honestly? We prefer to continue to cheat with Lipliner & Co. You can easily make up for it again without consequences ...

A photo posted by Candylipz (@mycandylipz) on Feb 26, 2015 at 9:23 pm

Photos: Brittany Forster (via Daily Mail) / manufacturer

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