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Vitamin infusions in Drip Spas: What's on the "Vitamin IV Drips" hype?

Cara Delevigne and Rihanna are currently the most prominent representatives of the vitamin infusion hype in Drip Spas.
Photo: Screenshot (c)
  1. Trend-Check
  2. Vitamin Infusions aka Vitamin IV Drips - A Definition
  3. Sense and benefit of these vitamin infusions
  4. Types of vitamin infusions
  5. Procedure, side effects and costs of an infusion treatment in the Drip Spa


For a while, spas sprang up like mushrooms. But for a long time peace has returned to the healthy wellness market. Time for a new hype? Exactly! Stars and models like Rihanna, Cara "The Face" Delevigne, Jennifer Aniston or Demi Moore are already in full swing - we are talking about vitamin infusions aka vitamin IV drips .

You have to imagine: Cara and Rihanna go to the so-called drip spas and let themselves voluntarily with needles piksen! Of course we ask ourselves, what's up with the vitamin infusions . Are they really as healthy and meaningful as summoned by the celebrities? We clarify all the facts about the new health trend.

Vitamin Infusions aka Vitamin IV Drips - A Definition

Vitamin capsules were yesterday . If you read vitamin IV drips anywhere or tell anyone about them, you can assume that this is a vitamin cocktail administered intravenously (IV).

The vitamin infusions usually consist of a saline solution, which is enriched with vitamins and minerals and drips (drips) passes through the vein into the bloodstream.

Sense and benefit of these vitamin infusions

Background of the vitamin infusions is the cancer therapy. After chemotherapy, the immune system of cancer patients is so severely attacked or shut down that the diet itself does not provide the necessary mineral and vitamin intake. Here, the patients are injected with the said vitamin infusions, in order to send them back on their way to recovery faster and to gain strength.

Today, the beauty and health market has discovered the powerful effect for themselves and uses them to not only make weary stars and starlets lively, even more beautiful and healthy.

Benefits of intravenous administration of vitamins include that the effect is faster than any capsule or tablet can. In addition, this type of vitamin intake is more effective and individual than taking tablets.

Types of vitamin infusions

At the "cocktail hour" no wish remains open! In California, for example, "The Driproom - A Vitamin Bar" offers twelve types of vitamin infusions.

Whether you want more energy, want to boost the immune system, young and beautiful skin to make you radiate or detoxify after a night of drinking the body - everything is possible.

Procedure, side effects and costs of an infusion treatment in the Drip Spa

If you also want to try such a Vitamin IV Drip at the Drip Spa, then it's best to prepare for a medical check-up and counseling session. Only then should the infusion be created.

Intravenous treatment should definitely be treated by a doctor as overdose may be possible.

The costs amount to between 50 and 150 euros per infusion.


With its origin from the cancer therapy one can speak in no case of a meaningless health hype. Also, the intravenous award and the associated, faster efficiency of vitamin infusions is plausible. However, since there are no further studies on the treatment, it is up to each one to decide whether or not he can do a trickle cure now and then.
