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Video: Couple announces pregnancy with cola cans

Photo: Screenshot Facebeook / ThePatandDreShow

Share a Coke with the McGillicuddys

We are pregnant! The McGillicuddies tell us this in a very special way. The most important utensil here: Coke cans.

We all know her: The Coke cans with the names on them. Certainly not one of the worst advertising ideas of Coca Cola. The couple McGillicuddys has brought this advertising coup on a very funny idea how they could announce their pregnancy.

It all starts with the woman drinking her husband's coke. Actually not a big act. What should happen? It turns out: lots! Because suddenly her voice changes and she sounds like her husband.

What fun! That can not be true. The couple exchanges more and more coke cans and tries out different voices. Very funny!

Suddenly the surprise: Both have their normal voices again? But why? When the cans are turned forward, it shows: 'Mom' and 'Dad' are on them. The McGillicuddys become parents!

We are happy with the happy couple and enjoy ourselves about this fun way to make a pregnancy pubklik. But look at the video yourself!

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