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Video: Justin Bieber cries on stage

Still sad about the divorce of his parents - Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber / Instagram

Although Justin was very young at divorce, she is still very close to him. In the song "Down to Earth" he has processed his feelings of grief and anger, which probably also know many other divorce children. No wonder he had tears when singing. Although his parents live apart, Justin Bieber still has a good relationship with both of them. The 16-year-old told the "Seventeen" magazine: "My parents never talked badly about each other. When some parents split up, the mother says, 'Your dad is an idiot, ' but mine never did. That really made it easier for me. I knew that they loved me and that they did not split because of me. "Quite sad that Justin is still so close to separating his parents. Do you know such feelings yourself? How would you comfort Justin Bieber?

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