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Video: Monkey takes care of puppies

Whether monkey or puppy are cuter here is impossible to say!
Photo: Screenshot / jesse lightfoot

This monkey finds little puppies as cute as us!

It could hardly be more cute: A little monkey takes care of even smaller puppies. That it's not his babies, does not disturb the monkey in the video!

It is always unbelievable how human some monkeys act in their behavior. This also illustrates this sweet video that makes the rounds on the Internet. It shows a monkey, who takes care of small puppies. It's got your hands full! Because it is not just a dog puppy, but ten!

One puppy after another is generously gently caressed by the monkey. That it is not his own babies does not seem to bother him. Almost motherly, the monkey cares about the little dogs. They enjoy the cuddling program!

In order to meet the needs of all dogs, the monkey would need two or ten hands instead of two. Because he hardly changes and krault another puppy behind the ears, heartbreaking is called for more pats.

The video is the perfect medicine against bad mood and dispels any even the dull thoughts of the gray weather.
