Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Vase cover made of felt

  • Vase (eg from "The Depot", craft shop)
  • paper
  • Felt in green and pink (craft shop)
  • white embroidery thread (z.

      From Anchor; Haberdashery)
    • embroidery needle
    • pin
    • possibly sewing machine
    • pen
    • scissors

    1. Roll the vase over the paper, marking and cutting the lower edge and the upper edge with a pen.

    2. Transfer vase shape to the green and pink felt and cut out.

    3. Draw circles on the green felt using various objects and cut out.

    4. Lay the green felt on the pink and sew the circles roughly in the basting stitch with embroidery thread.

    5. If necessary, surround a few circles with a decorative stitch.

    6. Place the felt around the vase and put it together with pins.

    7. Sew the cuff in zigzag stitch by hand or machine.

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