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Urban Legend: HIV spraying in a cinema chair

Are HIV-infected syringes in cinema chairs just a legend?

HIV spraying in the cinema

"They have just been infected by HIV", warning mails report infected syringes in cinema chairs. Sometimes there is talk of the crazy in the disco.

Warnings warn of a madman who pulls through the nightclubs and indiscriminately pokes partygoers with an HIV-positive syringe . Then he sticks a note to their backs, which says "Welcome to the club". It also tells of cinema seats and ATMs where syringes were hidden. These chain mails with warnings have been in circulation since the mid-1980s. At that time, they were transmitted orally, today via Facebook and the personal mail account. At the same time, the cities in which the case took place change constantly.

There is not a single case in the scientific literature where someone has been infected with HIV in this way. This is almost impossible, as the HI viruses die off in the air and only infected blood is suitable. Junkies who become infected with HIV inject intravenously, causing a large amount of viruses to enter their blood. An "Aids gunman" could only superficially injure the skin and would never hit a vein as it passes so it will not get infected. The same applies to cinema seats.
