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Unbelievable: mother breastfeeds 6-year-old daughter

Her six-year-old daughter is still breastfed today.
Photo: Screenshot / Max News

Mother has been nursing daughter for six years

The 6-year-old Belle is still breastfed by her mother. A reason to stop, does not see the woman.

At six, other children ask their parents for their favorite ice cream or an extra helping of dessert. Belle asks her mother for some breast milk. Right: The girl is breastfed since she was born. Together with her one and a half year old brother, she drinks like a baby on her mother's breast.

Sounds weird? Her mother Denise considers it the most normal thing in the world to still breastfeed her daughter. An end is by no means in sight, as long as the 6-year-old wants to drink breast milk, she gets her. This can be once a week, or twice a day, depending on the girl's appetite.

Denise Sumpter causes a sensation with her unusual mother-child-bond. Family and friends look at the behavior critically. But the mother of two stands by her education. She even believes in the healing power of milk. Every time one of her children gets sick, she would breastfeed. Breastmilk help them stay healthy.

In fact, breast milk is considered to be extremely healthy - a natural property when it is the full-time diet of a newborn. But should not a child become independent sometime?

But Denise is not worried about the development either. Belle is extremely mature and independent for her age. The mother therefore sees no reason to stop breast-feeding the 6-year-olds.

Although she is the oldest child in the UK to be breastfed, Belle finds the fact quite normal. She herself is already beginning to quietly play with her dolls. As long as her children want, her mother will continue to breastfeed her.

If this baby objected to breastfeeding, it would surely say so. It is just a few weeks old. Here is the video of the talking baby!

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