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Unbelievable: Jennifer Bricker does not have legs!

Jennifer supports the action #besomebody, which introduces special people and their passion.
Photo: youtube / besomebody.

Acrobatics with handicap

Jennifer Bricker was born without legs. Nevertheless, she is a successful gymnast, as well as her big sister, which she has finally found after years.

It swings through the air as if it were the lightest in the world. Every movement, every jump and every turn is full of power and elegance. For Jennifer Bricker, the best part is when she can do gymnastics. At first, hardly anyone would have thought that one day she would become a professional acrobat. Because Jennifer Bricker has a handicap: She has no legs.

Jennifer is already born without legs. Her mother does not understand her daughter's disability and releases her for adoption. But Jennifer is lucky. She is adopted by two loving people - Gerald and Sharon Bricker. They attract the little girl as well as their three natural sons and attach great importance to Jennifer never saying one thing: I can not do that! "If you are never limited, you will eventually think you can do anything, " says Jennifer in an interview.

Even as a child, it was Jennifer's dream to become a professional gymnast. The fact that she has no legs makes her never doubt that she can do it anyway. Her adoptive parents supported her. Already at the age of seven, Jennifer dares the first attempts on the trampoline. It takes a little practice, but soon she jumps and twists, like a healthy girl. On television she watches every competition of her great role model Dominique Moceanu . Jennifer wants to be as good as she is one day.

Today, Jennifer has reached her destination. She is a successful acrobat and has appeared in shows such as Britney Spears. But she has one question: who is her biological family? Her adoptive mother Sharon tells her that her real last name is " Moceanu ". Jennifer can not believe it. She knows immediately what that means. Her big role model, Dominique Moceanu, is her big sister! Jennifer decides to write her a letter. It includes adoption papers, photos and a personal message. "Everyone dreams of talking to their great role model once. But if your big role model is suddenly your sister, that's something very special. " Dominique Moceanu is both surprised and enthusiastic. She thinks it's great that her little sister has found her and that despite her handicap she is such a successful athlete.

Here you can see the incredible story in the video :

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