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Great action: Physically disabled boy gets unexpected support

When it looks like he can not anymore, he gets unexpected support.
Photo: iStock / icon image

A run he will always remember

Although Matt suffers from cerebral palsy, this does not stop him from taking part in a race at his school. He quickly stays behind the other children. But then he gets sudden surprising support.

His movements are limited, he knows in advance that he will not be able to keep up with the other children and yet he does not want to expose Matt , but to take part in the race of his school.

Thus, despite the fact that he suffers from cerebral palsy , he starts and does it like all the other children - he starts running. After just a few meters, he can no longer keep up. While the other kids have already reached the finish, Matt keeps running - he does not give up. But then he starts to slow down. At this moment, his sports teacher rushes to his aid.

First, he tries to support his determined student with words. He encourages him not to give up. Then the teacher joins Matt and even runs with him. And he will not be the only person ...

Here is the video of the great action that testifies to charity and compassion to see in full length:

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