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Death by Red Bull? So dangerous are energy drinks

Sport and Energy Drinks: A deadly combination.
Photo: Stiftung Warentest, test issue 9/13
  1. Why are energy drinks so dangerous?
  2. The crowd does it - the combination too
  3. (K) a sports drink
  4. Red Bull goes one better
  5. The caffeine secret
  6. Deadly caffeine shock

Deadly refreshment drink

The head hurts, the eyes burn and arms and legs feel like lead? The only solution: the stimulating effect of Flying Horse, Red Bull and Co. For many, the grip on energy drinks has become routine. What danger they expose themselves, is the least aware. A 14-year-old boy had to experience first-hand how dangerous the consumption of energy drinks can be.

He just wanted to play games with his friends on the PC. As so often. This time, the nightly computer party was doomed to him. To keep himself awake for as long as possible, the boy from Norway drank four liters of the caffeinated energy drink within six hours. During a break in the game he collapsed in the cafeteria: suddenly and unexpectedly. He had foam in front of his mouth, then fell into a coma . "When he was admitted, he was in serious condition. It was life threatening. Affected were his liver, his lungs, his heart and his kidneys, which have failed. Well, it was really serious, "says Kathrine Duns - the doctor who treated Henrik.

Why are energy drinks so dangerous?

In addition to stimulating substances such as taurine, inositol and glucuronolactone, energy drinks also contain the worrying combination of caffeine and sugar. The Dangerous: They all occur in an increased concentration. Since June 2, 2013, it has been regulated by law that energy drinks may contain a maximum of 320 mg caffeine per liter . Manufacturers have to point this out to cans and bottles, but not to their dangerous effect. In a test carried out by Stiftung Warentest, all but one manufacturer have kept to the specifications. As of December 2014, the information "Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women" is required.

The crowd does it - the combination too

Anyone who drinks a glass of sweet "Gummibärchensaftes" every now and then, does not weigh himself in any dangerous position. It becomes dangerous when consumption gets out of hand. Or if it is consumed in connection with alcoholic drinks and sports activities. Danced party nights are quite enough to unbalance the cycle. Circulatory collapses in discotheques are not uncommon. Many drink the caffeinated shower as water. The standard in one evening: 1 liter of energy drink, mixed with alcoholic drinks. Hard-boiled people bring it to more. "In individual cases, up to 5 liters are drunk within 24 hours, " says BfR President Professor Dr. med. Dr. Andreas Hensel. "Unwanted health effects of energy drinks are especially possible when you drink a lot of them, mix them with alcohol, sleep little or exercise hard." The consequences range from nausea and dizziness, to cardiac arrhythmia and kidney failure.

(K) a sports drink

More quickly. Higher. Further. Energy drinks call for maximum performance. "Red Bull gives wings". The slogan of the eponymous giant provides for discussion. Wings neither Sebastian Vettel nor Felix Baumgartner have grown. Their sporting achievements are more likely due to intensive training. The body and soul-stimulating effect so only a PR-mesh? At least the Energy giant is busy advertising sports events. In fact, they appear to be noticeably unsuitable as a sports drink, at least in increased consumption.

Red Bull goes one better

60 ml content. 80 mg of caffeine. The new energy shots have it all. They contain just as much caffeine as the regular Red Bull can, but are a lot smaller. Put in facts: they contain four times the limit, but are still allowed. Why? Red Bull bypasses the federal government's decision by listing the small energy shot in the dietary supplement group. Only duty: the indication of the daily consumption recommendation.

The caffeine secret

In the morning a black coffee, in the evening a "black can". Caffeine is more popular than ever. What is special about the secret substance? Caffeine acts like adrenaline. Within a very short time, blood pressure and heart rate increase many times over. Just as quickly, they also fall off again. The danger: You feel powerful and fit. In combination with alcohol it is not uncommon for drunks to get behind the wheel. "He still feels sober, " said a test person. In fact, energy drinks can only overplay fatigue and exhaustion, but not relieve it. Scientific evidence remains to date.

Deadly caffeine shock

The 14-year-old Norwegian boy got away with his life again. A 14-year-old girl from Maryland had to pay to enjoy energy drinks with her life . Two years ago, the fate of little Anais caused a stir. She drank two cans of the American drink "Monster Energy" within 24 hours (also available in Germany). The next morning she was dead. The doctors diagnosed a "heart rhythm disorder from poisoning with caffeine". Fact is: the girl was ill. She suffered as a child from a heart failure. The mother warned her: People who have a weak heart should always keep their fingers off energy drinks. These include mundane diseases such as a flu or a cold as well as chronic heart disease. Even for children, pregnant women and nursing women, an absolute energy drink ban applies.

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