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Editor'S Choice

Star made easy - no talent for success

How can I become a star?

Being famous for music is hard?

Swede shows how to make a song
Photo: RoomieOfficial / Yotube
No way! A Swede shows how to write a top 10 hit in a few steps - without any talent.

You want to be a star? Start full with a song, but can not play an instrument? Your song should be successful but you can not sing at all? No problem! A crazy Swede has produced a video showing how easy it is to record a good pop song - without any talent.

A few steps helps the songwriter his Youtube sheep to the Top 10 hit. Star Appeal guaranteed! With the instruments he has a clear requirement (time-streching): Record the music very slowly and then make it faster with a computer in hindsight. But it's easier when you download or buy royalty-free music that has been recorded by real musicians. With software that proposes sentences based on words that you enter yourself, you can create totally poetic lyrics ("Girl you are my hoe"). Then start singing and in the end run a software over the vocals, which adjusts the pitches. Done is the hit!

This luck is contagious: you want to laugh again, then look at this Dutchman!

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