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Heartburn: definition, causes and symptoms

Today almost everyone suffers from heartburn more or less often, a burning pain in the chest. Even children are not spared from heartburn. Heartburn (medically: reflux) is not always pathological. Every time some gastric acid rises in the esophagus. Most of the time we do not notice it. Only when the mucous membrane in the feeding or trachea is irritated or inflamed, it burns strong, you have heartburn. The main cause of heartburn is that the occlusive muscle at the bottom of the esophagus is defective. Usually, it narrows the esophagus to the stomach, preventing gastric acid from rising and causing heartburn. But sometimes he goes limp and does not close properly anymore. Then gastric acid or bile can run back and cause heartburn. Gastric acid is formed in the so-called parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. The secretion of gastric acid is controlled by hormones and the amount of food. If we eat a lot, there must be plenty of acid.

Heartburn does not occur while eating, but after. First, the stomach acid is absorbed by the food. If the porridge migrates further into the small intestine and gastric acid is still free, it can ascend into the esophagus and cause heartburn. Lying is very easy. That's why many complain of heartburn at night. Although older patients suffer from heartburn more frequently, heartburn can also occur in 20 to 30 year olds. The more gastric acid is produced, the greater the risk of heartburn. Certain factors increase the production of stomach acid. These include, for example, fatty food, alcohol, nicotine or carbonated sodas. But also overweight, stress, irregular meals, hasty food and too tight clothes promote hyperacidity of the stomach.

Heartburn: treatment

Heartburn should be treated if it causes discomfort, so there is irritation or inflammation of the esophagus. However, irritation is not always detectable endoscopically. The patients have painful heartburn, but the doctor finds nothing. Nevertheless, severe heartburn must be taken as seriously as inflammation of the esophagus. If left untreated, heartburn can rarely lead to cancer. To do something active against heartburn, one should avoid triggers. In mild cases, non-prescription antacids, such as "Maaloxan" or "Gaviscon", help buffer the acid in the stomach.

In severe cases of heartburn, you should talk to the family doctor and be prescribed proton pump inhibitors. They certainly help against heartburn, because they stop acid production. The digestion works without gastric acid, because this prepares the digestion, but the actual process takes place in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes and bile acid.

Heartburn: prevention and self-help

Those who do not want to resort to medicines for heartburn should take the following advice:

  • Tip 1: Remove excess weight

Excess pounds are among the main risk factors for heartburn. The pressure through the abdomen over time causes the muscle occlusion to the esophagus to relax and become permeable. Heartburn occurs.

  • Tip 2: Avoid tight clothing

Heartburn can also be caused by constricting clothing. It presses on the stomach and presses the gastric acid into the esophagus.

  • Tip 3: eat in peace

Important: To prevent heartburn, you should take time to eat and make sure that the plate is not too full. Highly bulky and fatty foods and alcohol should be avoided.

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