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How to knit a cardigan with matching cap

Photo: Drops Design
  1. Just do it yourself
  2. Material for the cardigan:
  3. Knitting pattern for the cardigan
  4. Material for the hat:
  5. Knitting pattern for the hat

Just do it yourself

Just knit your warm cardigan made of wool yourself.

The abbreviations at a glance:

  • right: right
  • Left: Left
  • Round: round
  • str .: knit
  • MS: pattern set
  • M .: mesh
  • Nd: needle
  • initially: increase
  • U .: envelope
  • bind off: bind off
  • LL .: run length
  • continued: continuous
  • R .: row
  • initially: increase
  • Rdm .: edge stitch
  • decrease: decrease
  • over / under: cover
  • Connection: stop
  • knl .: ball
  • N .: Needle
  • U: envelope
  • Lm .: air mesh

Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL

Material for the cardigan:

  • DROPS KARISMA by Garnstudio 450 -500 - 550 - 600 - 700 -750 g (color no. 72, light pearl gray)
  • 100 - 100 - 150 - 150 - 150 - 150 g (color no. 01, natural)
  • DROPS Needle Game and Round Needle (40 and 80 cm) No. 4
  • DROPS Needle Game and Round Needle (80 cm) No. 3.5 - for ribs and ribs

Knitting tension:

10 x 10 cm = 21 sts. X 28 sts.

Kraus ribs (in back and forth R):

1 Kraus rib = 2 R kraus re = 2 R re.


See diagrams A.1-A.3. The diagrams show all the back and forth Rs as they appear on the front. The whole pattern is knitted smooth.

Higher neck edge:

The back of the neck is knitted with a shortened R as follows to get higher. PLEASE NOTE: Each time you turn in the middle of the R, take off the 1st st, put on the string and continue to knit. Start the other mid back and knit until 22-25-28-29-29-31 sts remain, turn, put on the string and knit until 22-25-28-29-29-31 are left on the other side. Turn, put on the string and knit until 37-41-46-49-49-53 sts remain, turn, put on the string and knit until 37-41-46-49-49-53 sts remain on the other side are. Turn, put on the thread and knit until there are still 53-58-65-70-70-76 sts left, put on the thread and knit until 53-58-65-70-70-76 sts remain on the other side are.

Increasing Tip (applies to the Raglanzunahmen):

Increase 1 st by making 1 turn before and after the 4 sts between the markers on the front / back / sleeves (= 4 raglan sts each). Knit the envelopes in the next row. Incorporate the increased M continuously into the pattern.

Sample Tip:

Diagram A.3 shows how to knit the 4 raglan sts to avoid gaps between the sts. When the graphs are finished, the jacket will be finished in light gray pearl gray.

Knitting pattern for the cardigan

The jacket is knitted in round-R on the circular needle, from TOP to DOWN. The neck and front panels are knitted last.

111-111-115-119-123-123 M (including 1 edge-M KRAUS RIGHT on both sides - see above) on round needle no. 4 with bright bright pearl gray. Knit 1 back row. Then knit stocking sts with 1 edge st at each side (knit garter sts to the finished size) - AT THE SAME TIME increase 12-28-36-40-36-52 sts evenly in the next row = 123-139-151-159-159-175 M). Knit 1 back row. Then knit the HIGHER HALSRAND at the neck (see above). BE AWARE OF MESH TASTING! Then knit 2 rows over all sts, then the following row is a back row. While garnishing 8 raglan markers and 5 distinctive markers, knit 22-25-28-29-29-31 sts, attach 1 raglan marker to this st and 1 marker at end 2. Work in sts from R start (= front edge right front piece), knit 4 sts, put on 1 raglan marker, knit 6-7-7-8-8-10 sts and put 1 mark on the last st on the right needle (= upper center of sleeve), knit 5-6-6-7-7-9 sts, put on 1 raglan marker, knit 4 sts, put on 1 raglan marker, 21-24-27-28-28-30 sts knit and put 1 marker at the last st on the right needle (= center of back), knit 20-23-26-27-27-29 sts, put 1 raglan marker, knit 4 sts, put 1 raglan marker, Knit 6-7-7-8-8-10 sts and put 1 mark on the last st on the right needle (= upper center of the sleeve), knit 5-6-6-7-7-9 sts, put 1 raglan marker on top, 4 M st knit, put on 1 raglan marker, knit 22-25-28-29-29-31 sts and put 1 mark on the penultimate st (= front edge left front), knit 1 st.

Before continuing to knit, read the next paragraph completely!

Now knit in pattern according to diagram A.2 - read pattern tip! PLEASE NOTE: Mark the M marked on the back, front and sleeves with the markings in the diagram. Starting from these sts, count out the pattern to the side (because the pattern does not appear at the transitions between body and sleeves). AT THE SAME TIME work the raglan frames at each transition between the torso piece and the sleeves - read the INCREASE TIP - work the increases in the following rhythm: At the RUMP PART: In each R a total of 0-0-0-2-10-14 x, then every 2nd R 14 -15-17-19-20-20 x and then every other row 6-6-5-4-2-2 x (= 81-89-97-105-119-131 sts for the back and 42 sts each) -46-50-54-61-67 sts on front) On Sleeves: In every 2nd row a total of 14-15-19-20-25-23 x, then in every 4th row R 6-6-4-4- 2-4x (= 59-63-67-71-77-81 sts each sleeve)

The work now has a total length of about 19-19-19-20-21-22 cm, measured at the front from the stop edge. After all raglan increases, a total of 283-307-331-355-395-427 sts are on the needle. Knit the next row as follows: Knit the first 42-46-50-54-61-67 sts (= front piece), close the next 59-63-67-71-77-81 sts (= Sleeve) and 8-8-8-10-10-10 sts M under arm, knit 81-89-97-105-119-131 sts (= back), next 59-63-67-71-77 Stitch 81 sts (= sleeve) and 8-8-8-10-10-10 on new sts under arm, knit last 42-46-50-54-61-67 sts (= front) (= 181- 197-213-233-261-285 M). In the middle of each 8-8-8-10-10-10 new Munter put 1 marker each of the arms (= side marker). Now knit stocking st, with 1 edge st at each side until the piece has a total length of approx. 36-37-38-39-40-41 cm, measured at the front from the stop edge. Then inc 1 st on each side of jacket by 1 st through 1 turn (side marker is in the middle of these 2 sts next to which sts will be added), knit sts in next row (= 4 sts inc ). These increases every 4-4-4-5-5-5 cm for another 2 x wdh (= work 3 times in total) (= 193-209-225-245-273-297 M). Continue to knit to a total length of 52-54-56-58-60-62 cm, measured forward from the stop edge. In the next round, increase 7 sts evenly for all sizes (= 200-216-232-252-280-304 sts). Change to round needle No. 3, 5. Starting from the back row, knit the rib as follows: 1 edge st in garter st, * 2 sts, 2 sts *, from * - * until last 3 sts, finish with 2 sts and 1 edge -M curled right. When the cuff has a length of about 4 cm, bind off all sts as they appear (ie bind off both sts and rows).


The sleeves are knit smoothly in rounds. Put the disused M of one sleeve on round needle No. 4 (= 59-63-67-71-77-81 M). Work 1 round in stocking st, at the end of round 8-8-8-10-10-10 cast on new sts under arm (= 67-71-75-81-87-91 sts). Install in the middle of this new M 1 marker (= lower sleeve center). If the sleeve has a length of about 3 cm (ie, from the newly struck M), 1 Mabnehmen on both sides of 2 M at the lower sleeve center (the marker is between these 2 M). Change to double needle play as needed. These decreases every 3½-3½-3-2½-2-2 cm for another 8-9-10-12-15-16 x wdh (= total 9-10-11-13-16-17 x work) (= 49 -51-53-55-55-57 M). When piece measures 41-42-43-43-42-42 cm increase in sts 7-5-7-5-9-7 sts evenly (= 56-56-60-60-64-64 sts). Change to double pointed needles size 3.5. Now knit the cuffs in the rib pattern (= 2 sts, 2 ls alternating) until the sleeve has a length of 45-46-47-47-46-46 cm from the newly struck sts. Bind off all sts as they appear. Knit the other sleeves as well.

Left panel:

The iris is knitted in round-R on the circular needle.120-124-128-132-136-140 M (M-number divisible by 4) within 1 edge st from the edge of the left front piece with color bright pearl gray conceive. Knit the back-row in the rib pattern as follows: 1 st in garter st, * 2 sts left, 2 sts *, from * - * wdh, end with 2 sts and 1 st in garter st. Continue in this rib pattern, knit on both sides with 1 edge st, until piece measures 3 cm. Bind off all sts as they appear.

Right aperture:

As the left panel knit, but 5-5-6-6-6-6 buttonholes are evenly distributed when the panel measures 1.5 cm. Knit 1 buttonhole = 2 sts and work 1 turn (the buttonholes are incorporated in the left ribs, viewed from the front) - the top buttonhole should sit about 6 cm from the top (1 buttonhole is still incorporated in the neckline), The other buttonholes should be about 8 cm apart. From the last buttonhole to the lower edge, the distance is greater.


Start at the very top of the right panel. With round needle No. 3, 5 with color light pearl gray128-128-132-136-140-140 M (M-number divisible by 4) from the entire neck edge and from the left aperture. Work rib as follows (1st row = reverse row): 1 st in garter st, * 2 sts left, 2 sts *, from * - * repeat, finish with 2 sts and 1 st in garter st. Continue in this rib pattern, knitting 1 edge st at each side until the neck patch measures 1 cm, then work 1 buttonhole in the extension of the other buttonholes. Continue in the rib pattern as before until the neckline measures approx. 2 cm. Bind off the sts as they appear.


Close the openings under the arms and sew the threads. Sew the buttons on the left panel.

Material for the cap:

  • DROPS KARISMA by Garnstudio 100 g (color no. 72, light pearl gray)
  • 50 g (color no. 01, natural)
  • DROPS Needle Game and Round Needle (40 cm) No. 4
  • DROPS round needle (40 cm) No. 3.5 - for the ribbed edge

Size: One size, fits head circumference: approx. 56/58 cm

Knitting instructions for the cap

The cap is knitted in rounds on the round needle, in the course of acceptances change to double pointed needles.116 M with bright bright pearl gray on circular needle no. 3.5 beat. Approximately Work 4 cm in a rib pattern (= 2 sts, 2 sts in alternation). Change to round needle no. Knit 1 round with color light pearl gray, AT THE SAME TIME dec 8 sts evenly (= 108 sts). Then knit in the pattern according to diagram A.1 (= 9 repeats in the round). BE AWARE OF MESH TASTING! When A.1 is knit 1 time in height, knit stocking to the end with a light pearl gray color. Knit 1 round while AT THE SAME TIME attach 9 markers 12M apart. In the next row remove 1 st from each marker by knitting 2 sts together (= 9 sts dropped). These declines work a total of 10 times in each 2nd round (= 18 sts). On the next round knit 2 sts (= 9 sts). Cut the thread, thread through the remaining sts, tighten and sew well. The cap is about 25 cm high.

The instructions for downloading for your home can be found here!
