Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Skier from chestnuts

30 minutes

  • 2 chestnuts
  • 7 matches
  • 2 pins with white heads
  • a mini rosehip for the nose
  • 1 little hedgehog
  • 2 round rosehips
  • 2 small dried birch branches
  • 2 small wooden discs (craft shop)
  • Piece of fabric approx. 12 x 2 cm (tweed looks nice here)

For the landscape:

  • Artificial snow from the valley
  • Fir trees made of glass (z.

    From Sia)


    1. Possibly Drill holes in both chestnuts with a nail.

    2. Approx. 2 cm from a match. Put both chestnuts together.


    1. For the legs, drill four holes in the lower chestnuts and insert whole matches so that the red firing heads are down.


    1. In the lower chestnut, pre-drill two holes for the arms with a nail. Two round rosehips at the end of the matches make up the hands.

    2. Put the birch branches in the rosehips for the ski poles.


    1. Put mini rosehip as nose in the middle of the upper chestnut. If necessary, pre-drill a small hole with a pin.

    2. Two pins with white heads make up the eyes. Cut needles with pliers.


    The acorn hat is holding with hot glue.

    Two small wooden discs serve as skis. Just put males on it. Tie piece of fabric around the neck as a scarf.
