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Seven ways to mindfulness

Head and body in harmony

Whatever you do, do it with 100 percent! The new magic word in psychology is called "mindfulness".

Become happier by mindfulness
Photo: Thinkstock
The method of concentrating on the moment in every situation and thus reconciling the mind and body makes you more relaxed, more effective and happier. Try it out in your everyday life, you will be amazed!

Be mindful - be careful

Lose a few pounds, do regular exercise, say goodbye to bad habits - but if you're ready for the New Year, you should not be stressed. Because for special challenges on the ego front, there is now an effective formula: Be mindful! To German: Be careful!

The Seven Ways to Mindfulness you can see in the gallery (14 pictures):

"Mindfulness, this word comes from the teachings of Zen Buddhism and refers to the art of directing attention to itself in the here and now, " explains the Munich mindfulness coach Jan Esswein. More and more experts offer courses like this, bookstores fill the shelves on the subject - even weight loss should be much easier with mindfulness (see interview on the next page).

Latest studies confirm effectiveness

Even the latest studies confirm that the millennia-old concept of living mindfully has a very effective effect. Meanwhile, doctors recommend mindfulness exercises for stress symptoms from hypertension to burnout. Brain researchers have even proven in studies with Buddhist monks that meditating makes them happy, because activity in the left forebrain rises - the area where joy of life and optimism are at home.

No one has to dive into the silence of a monastery to learn the art of mindfulness. Everyone got the talent in the cradle. We only have to train this gift - seven ways lead you to your goal.

Slim through mindfulness

Feeling completely comfortable and taking off on the side? It's all a question of inner attitude, says mindfulness expert Ronald Pierre Schweppe.

SHAPE: Through inner balance to the ideal weight - how can this work?

Ronald Pierre Schweppe: Quite simply, because most people rarely eat from hunger, but because they are stressed, bored or lonely. This is called "emotional food".

Where do typical food traps lurk?

Always there, where there is a shortage, which is compensated with food. The most common trigger is stress: When we are under pressure, the head takes over, the body and its needs are hidden. If the stress subsides, one wants to reward oneself for persevering. I emptied a family pack of ice cream on such days earlier.

How can I lose weight through mindfulness?

Without a diet! With hunger cures you can achieve great success in the short term, but the inner shortage remains. Due to the withdrawal of the edible comforter, the food trap snaps the stronger again later. This is the most common trigger for the yo-yo effect! Anyone who wants to permanently lose pounds needs an alternative for emotional food, a food for the soul.

How do I know what makes my soul full?

Be mindful of what is good for you in everyday life. Is your head free to jog or yoga? Forget everyday stress the quickest on a funny girls' evening or a great movie? Whatever it is, treat your bodybuilder as often as possible.

SOS tricks when cravings come?

Ask yourself honestly if it really is the bar of chocolate you need now, or if you are not longing for something else. A shoulder to howl maybe? Or a hearty laugh? Get in touch with your feelings. Most of the time, the desire for extra calories disappears.

Ronald Pierre Schweppe

You yourself were overweight before. What has brought you mindful food?

I lost weight and can hold my weight, but that was a nice side effect! Much better for my quality of life is that food is no longer a fight-and-cramp theme for me. It is no longer about iron discipline or strict dietary rules. Instead, I can enjoy much more today.

Good guides

Our expert familiarises beginners with the topic in depth and gives them useful practical tips.

"Mindfulness Training" by Jan Eßwein (Gräfe und Unzer, around 17 Euro) order here on >>

Listen to the body and lose extra pounds: How to do this teaches you just published book.

"Slim through mindfulness. Through inner balance to the ideal weight "by Ronald Pierre Schweppe (Systemed Verlag, around 15 Euro) order here on >>

No less than three authors have come up with the best methods for the path to a more careful life. With many exercises for home use.

"The Mindfulness Book" by Halko Weiss, Michael E. Harrer and Thomas Dietz (Klett-Cotta, around 23 Euro) order here on >>

Become more attentive in seven days and live in the here and now.

"The multiplication table of mindfulness. From the careful handling of everyday feelings "by Jessica Wilker, Wayne Sutherland (Herder Spektrum, around 5 Euro) order here on >>

Psycho-Tipps: Guide for all life situations on JOY Online >>

Column: A Look at the Everyday Things on COSMOPOLITAN Online >>
