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This video: Dog shows baby how to crawl

Photo: Screenshot YouTube / Valerie Stevens-Scott

This Jack Russel Terrier knows where to go

The baby is having a hard time moving from the spot. Fortunately, there is dog buddy. What he does is just super sweet!

Many babies are about half a year old when they start to move slowly. Sitting or lying on your stomach, this is not so easy and requires a lot of practice. Even the little girl's arms and legs in the video are still a bit uncoordinated. An exploratory joyful crawling through the living room, is not there to think!

But there is still the family dog ​​Buddy . The little Jack Russel Terrier does not want to leave the baby's side and seems to be seriously interested in helping the little one in terms of agility.

With a lot of patience the dog shows how to crawl in the smartest way. The little girl looks attentively to him. We are sure: With such a good teacher she will soon be able to do it!

Even more desire for four-legged friends and children? This baby is discussing with a dog.

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