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Selena Gomez angry at Ashley Benson over James Franco's love affair

Ashley Benson broke Selena's and Justin's friend's heart

Ashley Benson / Twitter

The oh so welded together girl community from "Spring Breakers" splinters just in all directions. After a dispute with Vanessa Hudgens, which Selena Gomez allegedly did not allow her photo shoot in the "Vanity Fair", Sel has now also violent row with her other co-star Ashley Benson. She is recently in love with James Franco in love, after it sparked during the joint shoot. The problem is less jealousy, but that Ash broke the heart of her ex-boyfriend Ryan Good. He is a good friend of Selena Gomez and one of Justin Bieber's closest confidants, who made him famous as his "swagger coach" and stylist. Selena Gomez gave Ashley Benson the role Justin Bieber's best buddy now broke his heart a better way to position oneself professionally that Ashley Benson replaced him with the much better known James Franco? quotes a confidant: "Selena feels like she's been hit in the face. After giving Ashley the role, Ashley took the opportunity to break her good friend's heart. "Ryan Good, his ex, Justin Bieber, and Selena Gomez like to spend time together - the times are over. Jus was known to have never talked good about him because of Selena's friendship with Franco, but the subject should have been dealt with as well.SE
