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Quick help against headaches: the 2-minute trick

Photo: iStock
  1. Get rid of headaches in 2 minutes
  2. This is how the 2-minute trick works
  3. Others say this about the 2-minute trick

Get rid of headaches in 2 minutes

Do you rarely suffer from headaches? You happy! There are people who suffer daily from stinging pain. What helps against it? Often only the right medicines. But always immediately resort to the painkiller? D rather not. We have discovered a trick on the internet to help against headaches within 2 minutes.

This is how the 2-minute trick works

The Youtuber Kamil K. Wawrzyszko knows a way how to get rid of your headache within a few seconds. The secret: Imagine your headaches. They give pain a face - a color, a size, a shape and a place. Important: You must focus on the throbbing and stinging. Only then will you quickly notice how the headaches get smaller and smaller until they finally disappear completely.

Others say that about the 2-minute trick

What others say about the quick help for a headache? Only positive! "Whenever I have a headache, I watch this video and, of course, I told all my friends about this trick, " says Youtuber TheTdb20. CoolGuy writes: "I tried this trick a few weeks ago and today again, both times it helped me, thanks, Kamil!" Jeff Cramm: "I suffered from my headache for over 24 hours, the pain is still there, but they have become much less."

What else helps against headaches? Feng-fu - a very specific point on the neck that helps with headaches, sleep disorders and other ailments.

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