Recommended, 2024

Editor'S Choice

Pink bend curtain

  • Curtains in green (eg

      Model AINA from IKEA; 2 scarves about 49 euros)
    • Loop curtain in pink (eg from Vossberg, about 15 euros; department store)
    • Sewing machine and matching sewing thread
    • fabric scissors
    • tape measure

    1. If necessary, shorten the green curtains to the desired length and avoid them.

    2. Shorten the finished pink loop curtain to the desired length. To do this, cut out a strip of the appropriate width directly underneath the loops. Fold loop part and shortened fabric right to right and sew together.

    3. From the pink fabric remainders sew 2 wide strips as tiebacks for the green curtains, depending on the size.

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