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Prostheses from the 3D printer: This dog can now run again

A new life thanks to modern technology

Toys, spare parts or decorative items: 3D printers make it easy to make a wide variety of items yourself. Derby, a sweet husky from the USA, owes his new life to the increasingly popular technology.

Since his birth, the dog has had to hobble through everyday life with malformed forelegs. The handicap overwhelms Derby's first owner. At an animal welfare association, he initially finds shelter. However, the husky does not have to wait long for a new home there: Tara Anderson, dog lover and product manager for 3D systems, immediately closes the heartfelt four-legged friend. And she does not want to leave him to his fate.

Tara constructs a trolley with which derby can at least move. But that works rather badly than right. So she fiddles with determination. Finally, Tara has the brilliant idea: Why not use the technology of modern 3D printers? On the computer, she has prostheses designed for the dog and made with a 3D printer. The result: an overjoyed Derby, who can move almost as freely as his conspecifics!


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Impressive: dog learns to walk with broken legs

Husky Derby was born with deformed forelegs. Because of this, the cheerful dog could never walk properly. Help came to him now from the 3D printer.
