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Editor'S Choice

Princess Athena: The most beautiful googly eyes of Denmark

Yeah, who's screwing up with Mama Marie? Princess Athena on her first birthday.
Photo: Steen Brogaard

First birthday

All the mom! Princess Athena was just celebrating her first birthday and for the occasion there were of course completely new pictures from the Danish royal family.

And what kind of goof eyes Princess Athena looks into the camera! The similarity to Mama Marie (36) is obvious. Athena turns into a beautiful princess - Princess Marie can be sure of that.

If she has inherited Mama's warmth, everything is fine. Because the pictures show Princess Marie from a completely different side: her "Mama-Page". Uninhibited, she cuddles with her little sweetheart in front of the camera, caressing her little angel, does not want to give little Athena back again.

Princess Marie - very private and in intimate togetherness with her sweet daughter Athena . So wonderfully normal, it is actually behind the walls of Schackenborg Castle!

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