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Perfect autumn look Instructions: Knit cap scarf & short sleeve jacket


Photo: Lana Grossa / Nicolas Olonetzky

Size: approx. 32.5 x 104 cm (without plait braid) Material: Lana Grossa quality "Gomitolo Merino" (100% virgin wool Merino, LL = approx. 110 m / 50 g), 450 g olive / moss green / dark blue / petrol (Fb 7). Strick-Nd Nr. 6, a 80 cm long circular knit no. 5, 1
Crochet Nd No. 5.5. 2 auxiliary nd (to shut down M). Edge-M A: Work as the margin of the knot, always repeating the first and last sts of each row. Edge-M B: Work as the edge of the kurt, leaving the last M of each R, the 1st M of each R crossed off.
Rib pattern: 2 sts, 2 sts in stocking sts. Basic pattern: M-number divisible by 6 + 5 M extra: Lt. Knitting font arb. The numbers on the outside denote the outward R, the outside on the back R. Start in width with the edge M in front of the MS, the MS always wdh, end with the 4 M after the MS. In height the 1st - 12th R always wdh. Knit stitch: 17 sts and 27 r in basic pattern knit with size 6 = 10 x 10 cm. Li Part: Cast on 47 sts with need no. 6 and str at the basic pattern
Edge-M as Kettrand arb. For the hood shape after 72 cm = 194 R from the stop on the edge 1 M first. Then in each successive turn 2 sts cast on 1x 3 sts and 1x 7 sts again = 58 sts. Add the increased sts in the basic pattern. From here the edge-M on the right edge as Knötchenrand str. For the upper hood rounding off after 25 cm = 68 R hood height at the right edge 1 st. Then in each successive second row, dec 6 times 1 st each time and 2 sts 2 times respectively. Then place the remaining 47 sts on an auxiliary nd.

Re part: Opposite str.

Working out: Tighten, moisten and let parts dry. Close upper hood seam in the mattress stitch. From the front upper edge (from * to * in the cut) pick up 102 sts with the circular knit stitch No. 5 and knit in the ribbed pattern for the hood hood. For the slants, R. arb. For each row, 2 sts less str. and after finishing, put the 1st st as a draw st (= put the working thread forward and insert it into the 1st stitch with the right needle from the top, pull the working thread tight backwards so that there are 2 loops on the left needle Make these two loops unrestrained lift off in the following R, these two loops zusest together like a "normal M". Loosen the remaining open hood edges with 1 R Kettm. Pull in 15 fringes on each narrow side. Cut 3 threads of 280 cm length per fringe. Add the fringes to 3 bundles of 5 fringes and braid. The fringes to the desired length
knot (still about 15 cm long threads survive). Cut threads evenly.

Sizes: 36/38 (40/42) 44/46
The data for size 40/42 are in parentheses, for Gr 44/46 behind the parentheses. If there is only one indication, this applies to all sizes. Material: Lana Grossa quality "Gomitolo Merino" (100% virgin wool Merino, LL = approx. 110 m / 50 g), 350 (400) 450 g olive / moss green / dark blue / petrol (Fb 7). Strick-Nd Nr. 5 and Nr. 5, 5, a 60 cm long circular knit no. 5. 8 knobs, approx. 15 mm Ø, Art.-No. 36428 from Union Knopf. Rand-M: As Knötchenrand arb, while the first and last M each R
always re str. Rib pattern: 2 sts, 2 sts in stocking sts. Smooth right: back-to-back M, back-R left to M str. Stressed declines at the beginning of the R: the 3rd and 4th rows together. Stressed Decreases at the end of the R: Add the fourth and third last sts covered (= 1 sts as in the reverse sts, then pull the sts, then pull the off sts over them). Knit stitch: 17 sts and 23 rows stocking sts with size 5, 5 = 10 x 10 cm. Back: Cast on 78 (86) 94 sts on needle size 5 mm and work 8 cm in rib pattern starting at the back of row, starting and finishing with 1 sts in row 1 st before and after edge sts, In the last model 6 str. For the upper hood rounding off after 25 cm = 68 R hood height at the right edge 1 st. Then in each successive second row, dec 6 times 1 st each time and 2 sts 2 times respectively. Then place the remaining 47 sts on an auxiliary nd. Re part: Opposite str. Working out: Tighten, moisten and let parts dry. Upper hood center in the M stitch, rear hood seam in the mattress stitch. From the front upper edge (from * to * in the cut) pick up 102 sts with the circular knit number 5 and knit for the hood in a ribbed pattern. For the bevels Abbreviated R arb. For each row, use 2 sts less and 1 st after tossing as a drawstring (= put the thread forward and cut into the 1st stitch with the right needle from the top, pull the thread back tight, so that 2 loops are formed on the left needle, lift off these two loops untrimmed. = edge st = 1 st = 1 st = 1 st as if to the left of the work, = 1 st as in to the LI-Str abhh, with the thread to carry before work Legend: front edge Li hood part 22 GOMITOLO MERINO brackets, for size 44/46 behind specification, so this applies to all sizes Gomitolo Merino "(100% new wool 350 (400) 450 g Olive / moss green / nd No. 5 and No. 5, 5, one 60 buttons, about 15 mm Ø, item No. 36428 the first and last M each R change str.str: the 3. and 4 sts on garter sts: cast off the fourth and third last sts, then knit sts, then knit stocking sts with dc number 5.5 and knit ribbing for the bunch, doing so in the 1st R begin and end. In the last Bund-R, split 3 (2) 0x for every 1 st, crosswise from the cross thread = 81 (88) 94 sts. Continue with stockinette sts. For the raglan bevels after 30 cm = 70 R from the waistband and 23 (26) 28 times in each row. The remaining 33 (34) 36 sts for the back neckline after 21 cm = 48 R (23 cm = 54 R) 25 cm = 58 R raglan height straight off. Front Front: 46 (50) Cast on 54 sts on needle size 5 mm and work 8 cm in rib pattern starting at the bottom with 1 reverse row, beginning with 1 st in both round 1 st and 1 st in stocker st end up. For Gr 44/46 in the last Bund-R the 7th and 8th st together = 53 sts. Then with
Number 5, 5 in following division: For the edge-M and 5 sts in the ribbed pattern, 39 (43) 46 sts smooth, edge sts. Carry out the declines for the raglan bevel at the same height and direction as at the back. For the cut-out round after 18 cm = 40 R (20 cm = 46 R) 22 cm = 50 R raglan height at the left edge 1x 7 (8) 9 sts, then in every 2nd round 1x 5 sts, 1x 4 sts and 1x 3 sts M abk. Cancel the remaining 3 sts after the last raglan decrease at once. Re front: Opposite str. Also in the shutter 7 buttonholes einarb. Make the 1st buttonhole 1 cm, the 2nd buttonhole 7 cm from the lower edge. The remaining 5 buttonholes at a distance of 8.5 (9) 9 cm each. For each buttonhole after the 3rd M 1 U, take the Nd and add the following two M overdun.

Sleeves : Cast on 54 sts (62) 66 sts on needle size 5 mm and work 4 cm rib-to-ear on the back of row. Starting and finishing with 1 st in stocker st and before edge sts, Then continue with Nd No. 5.5 smoothly. For the sleeve slants from the waistband on both sides 4 (4) 5 x in every 2nd row each 1 st = 62 (70) 76 sts. After 5 cm = 12 rows from the waistband, make the decreases for the raglan chamfers on both sides in the same way as on the back piece, The remaining 14 (16) 18 M after
21 cm = 48 R (23 cm = 54 R) 25 cm = 58 R Raglan height straight off. Working out: Tighten, moisten and let parts dry. Close side and sleeve seams. Insert sleeves. Pick up approx. 100 (104) 108 sts from the neckline margin including the zips with the circular knit, and knit in the ribbed pattern for the neck cutout trim in the R ribbed pattern. On the 4th row (= front row) for the 8th buttonhole after the 3rd row, take the 1 st on the row and join the two sts in a covered area. After 3 cm = 7 R iris height, shed the sts as they appear. Sew on buttons.

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