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Learning Optimism: Five Exercises for a Lighter Life

We have five tricks to help you learn optimism!
Photo: Corbis
  1. Carefree through everyday life
  2. Learning optimism: It is the confidence to always fall on your feet
  3. 5 quick tricks on how to learn optimism!
  4. 1. Playfully enter
  5. 2. Seek the proximity of sunny minds
  6. 3. Prefer not to compare
  7. 4. Capture magical moments
  8. 5. Use and get used to positive language

Carefree through everyday life

You want to go through everyday life more carefree? Our expert reveals five exercises to help you learn optimism . With this new confidence, you can handle crises more easily.

Renowned US professor Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania believes that our ability to be happy is about halfway congenital, that is, grounded in the genetically determined structure of our brain. Only about ten percent depend on the external circumstances. The remaining 40 percent, however, are in the range of our possibilities, which means that each of us can actively do something to become a cheerful nature - just learn optimism !

Learning optimism: It is the confidence to always fall on your feet

Much of what we need for our happiness, we already have - in our heads. But every one of us is buzzing around between 30, 000 and 60, 000 thoughts every day. If these are predominantly negative, it is no wonder that the effects on our emotional life are depressing. It is statistically proven that 96 percent of all worries are unnecessary, because only four percent of them actually arrive.

So what to do to learn optimism ? First, it is necessary to arouse the willingness to actively reprogram negative thought patterns. And there are many reasons for that.

The fact is: optimists live healthier and become less ill. Thus, studies prove that our defenses are strengthened by a hopeful attitude. Confident people are less likely to catch a cold than worried people. This was found out by psychologists from Roehampton University in London, the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Techniker Krankenkasse. In addition, positive thinkers are better at dealing with stress. Wherever skeptics see problems, optimists smell a chance. As a result, you also have more self-confidence, are more successful in the job . And: They rarely make bad experiences with other people because they attract like-minded people through their friendly and open nature.

So it's worth learning to be optimistic . Convinced? Let's go! Personality Coach Elke Nürnberger knows five exercises to strengthen your confidence.

5 quick tricks on how to learn optimism!

Each of these exercises gives you a positive kick and ensures that you feel good in the long term. Just try!

1. Playfully enter

When it comes to confidence, the neurological principle "use or lose" applies. Frequently activated connections in the brain are consolidated, unused ones regressed. Try it out in everyday life: Instead of thinking nervously about everything that you have not done yet, remember the moment and recognize the good. Be aware of something that pleases you: the sky with its beautiful blue nuances or the bizarre cloud formations. Also, the perception of flowers on a balcony or a tree is doing well. Or you pay attention to the plus points of your fellow human beings: the blonde hair of the woman in front of you or the smile of your stout neighbor.

2. Seek the proximity of sunny minds

Psychologists have found that pessimism is contagious. If it can not be avoided to be with naggers, then give the conversation another twist. Just ask the following question: "And what is good news to report?" If that does not help, limit your listening time by saying you need to keep working. Or confront: "Listen, I really like you and want us to get along well - but moaning all the time will not get you anywhere I'm just wondering: what could you do to improve the situation?"

3. Prefer not to compare

As you walk through the city, you will certainly find more beautiful or seemingly more successful people. But the comparison often creates dissatisfaction and frustration - especially when it is conducted on an unequal level. Example: If you compare yourself to a 19-year-old at the age of 50, you will find that your own figure is more subject to gravity - and that's quite normal! Then ask yourself, "Am I willing to trade with the other person and pay the price?" So to be in my early 20s, run to the gym three times a week, but not have my kids? Mostly the answer is no, and you appreciate your situation positively.

4. Capture magical moments

If you want to increase Exercise 1, you can spend the day looking for "the magical moment" to photograph it. In the days of iPhone, Facebook and Instagram, sharing the happiness moment of the day with others can be a nice habit. If you like it more subtle, the photos only in his memory. Alternatively, you can go back to the classic Diary and write in the evening, thankful for the last 24 hours. Studies prove that such exercises lift the mood after only a week.

5. Use and learn positive language

What do you think, which sentence radiates more positive energy: "I no longer want to be ill" or "I want to get well"? True, the second. Surprisingly, our brain does not over-hear the word "not, " and it just remains "to be ill" in the memory. So when you say "I do not want to get angry" your brain hears "I want to get angry" - and does just that. By using the word "not", you're just getting the opposite of what you actually want. The solution: Just delete it from your vocabulary and formulate your goals positively.

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