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Oprah Winfrey's bad childhood just lied?

Talkqueen Winfrey did not grow up in poverty

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Oprah Winfrey / ©

When Oprah Winfrey talks about her childhood, she becomes melancholy. She was poor. Her family had so little money that Little Oprah walked around in potato sacks and made cockroaches her pets. Often there was nothing to eat and in general she had the worst of all childhoods behind her. Everything is lying, says her cousin Katherine Carr Esters. The presenter, who stars like Jessica Simpson or how Tom Cruise jumps on the sofa, is currently under intense fire. Because in the new book of the Gossip Queen Kitty Kelley, she is not going well. The culprits are, among others, the revelations of the cousin Esters. According to her, Oprah's family was not rich, but by no means poor. "I do not know where she gets that crap from her childhood in dirt and cockroaches. I once confronted her and asked her why she told such lies. She said that people want to hear that. The truth is boring, "reports the relatives. The fantasy was probably quite powerful with the talk queen. Because apparently she had pretty dresses at the time and as an only child she was also spoiled by her parents. "She got all the attention and was treated by the adults like a little princess. That's why it has become so special and successful, "explains Katherine. For Oprah, this reality was apparently too boring. Sure, the touching story of the little Cinderella makes more. Let's see how the speech turned Winfrey comes out of this fairy tale box again.
