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One Direction: That's how Harry Styles should be like a dream girl

One-Direction-Harry Syles: That's how my dream woman should be

Harry Styles

We now know that Harry Styles does not focus on older women. In an interview, the Heartbreaker revealed even more details of what his dream wife should be - and his answer surprisingly. Harry Styles is described as a Playboy, but he has very clear ideas as his dream wife should be. For example, he does not like girls playing games. He wants a girlfriend who is self-confident and honest. "I think if you like someone, you should not play games. You should just ask him or her for a date, "Harry said in an interview with the US magazine Tiger Beat, " I like girls to talk to! "Harry calls the girls more courage! "Just come up to me and talk to me. I like girls with whom you can talk well! "Harry continues. That's probably easier said than done ... HD

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