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Nulldi t: Losing weight with radical fasting

The zero diet boasts not only a spiritual experience due to the radical fasting, but also to enable a rapid weight loss. What's really true about this method can be found here.

The Zero Diet should not only be a spiritual experience, but also allow you to lose weight quickly.
Photo: © hjschneider -

This is how the zero diet works

In the zero diet is completely dispensed with food intake. Allowed is only the supply of calorie-free liquids in the form of mineral water, tea or a thin, unsalted broth. With a longer duration of fasting the body must also be supplied with vitamin and mineral preparations, so as to prevent possible deficiency symptoms. However, experts point out that these dietary supplements can not replace a balanced diet and harm the body in long-term use .

By fasting, the body first loses water and reduces muscle protein, before it later melts the fat reserves for energy. Thus, although there is a rapid weight loss, but again, the switch to a normal diet, the so-called yo-yo effect is inevitable.

Radical fasting is hazardous to health

The zero diet is only useful for the severely overweight who are inpatient and under medical supervision. For normal weight loss, however, it is not suitable. The loss of endogenous protein and a concomitant high uric acid level pose significant health risks. For example, a longer-lasting no-diet can promote cardiovascular problems, gout attacks, an increase in cholesterol levels, and biliary colic. People who want to lose weight often feel weak and tired during the starvation diet due to the lower metabolic rate. In addition, they suffer from headaches and can concentrate badly .
