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New hip, new life - thanks to gentle operation

Almost anything is possible with a hip prosthesis.
Photo: Hero Images / Corbis

Intervention with great effect

Hip problems? No fear! A new gentle operation helps

If the diagnosis is hip joint wear (coxarthrosis), the use of an artificial joint can often no longer be avoided. So far, this was a serious operation, which was associated with significant blood loss and long healing phase. A new procedure now allows the gentler insertion of the hip prosthesis.

In the so-called minimally invasive method, muscles, tendons and ligaments that support the hips are less affected. As a rule, the operation takes place under general anesthesia and lasts about one and a half hours. Whereas in the past a large incision was made along the entire thigh, a small incision now extends about a hand's breadth below the hip - directly on the thigh. Then the bone is supplied to make room for the prosthesis. The artificial joint is inserted in two parts: one directly into the pelvis, the other part is fitted into the femur and fixed with special cement.

Due to the small incision, the patient loses less blood. The wound heals better, the body recovers in less time. The patient is faster on his feet and is allowed to leave the clinic. But even after the minimally invasive procedure, pain is normal. Rarely, there are problems with the joint such as loosening or inflammation. Without complications, the prosthesis lasts about 15 to 20 years.

For doctors, the onset of a new joint is routine, but for patients often the last chance to lead a carefree life again. Unbearable pain, forced slow movements and sleepless nights cause every year about 180, 000 Germans, to use an artificial hip joint . The cause: The hip consists of socket and head. Over the years, the cartilage wears down between the two parts and the bones rub against each other. First signs often appear between the 50th and 60th year of life. Obesity, injury or rheumatism even promote or accelerate joint wear.

There is not the right time for a new hip. The personal suffering is crucial - and the severity of the wear. If a prosthesis improves the quality of life, 90-year-olds will also be operated on. Only with strong obesity, increased risk of thrombosis or bone deformations, the gentler procedure can not be applied. The advantages and disadvantages of the more complex procedure should be discussed with the doctor. The health insurance in each case take over the costs.

Physiotherapy begins on the first day after surgery . Patients may leave the clinic after seven to ten days. In the subsequent rehabilitation the muscles are trained and built up. In addition, the patient learns to walk with the new hip. Because many have become accustomed to a malposition in pain. After about two months, the artificial hip is almost as resilient as the original - long walks and sports are possible again.

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