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New nutritional formPrimal Eating: Easily lose weight with the 21-day program

Paleo has been a household name for years, for anyone who wants to diet. Now comes a new, original diet change: Primal Eating.

With Primal Eating you get a completely new body sensation
Photo: Istock
  1. What is Primal Eating?
  2. What can I eat at Primal Eating?
  3. What is the difference between Paleo and Primal Eating?
  4. Primal Eating: The 21-Day Plan

If you want to lose weight, you have to do something for it. And you can usually choose between sports or a diet change. Best of all, you do both together. Then this works very fast with the new body feeling. For a light start especially a plan is suitable for several weeks . This is how the entry into the primal eating diet works. The 21-day plan starts.

What is Primal Eating?

Invented the primal eating Marc Sissor. His book "The Primal Blueprint" became a bestseller. Actually, the principles of Primal Eating are similar to those of Paleo. To eat as naturally as possible and without artificial ingredients. Just as it used to be. This includes:

  • to refrain from sugar and cereals
  • Eat original and unprocessed foods
  • Proteins are the most important foods (high-quality meat, fish or seafood, raw milk - preferably directly from the producer)
  • Carbohydrates are allowed - but only in small amounts

What you should not eat:

  • sugar
  • Grain
  • industrially manufactured or processed oils
  • legumes
  • commercial dairy products

What can I eat at Primal Eating?

In primal eating, everything is actually allowed that does not violate the above points. Cooking is done with natural fats such as coconut or olive oil. Added to this are raw milk and probiotic foods for a healthy intestine. Eggs are also allowed. In other words, there is no obstacle to a burger with home-made mayonnaise: however, all ingredients should be original and natural.

A post shared by Rodicas Primal Kitchen (@rodicas_primal_kitchen) on May 2, 2017 at 7:57 pm

What is the difference between Paleo and Primal Eating?

Both diets are based on a similar principle. No sugar, hardly any carbohydrates and a lot of protein. The main difference between primal eating and paleo is the role of saturated fats. At Paleo, eggs and other foods such as cardiovascular-related oils are not on the menu. Primal eating allows you.

Primal Eating: The 21-Day Plan

Marc Sissor, the inventor of primal eating, has also developed the 21-day plan . In addition to the diet change also comes to sports. Those who last the 21 days should feel like a new person after just three weeks.

  • 2 to 5 hours of moderate training a week
  • Training with weights (at least once a week)
  • Take a run at least once a week with a hard sprint

In addition, you should:

  • sleep eight hours every night
  • Being in the sun for 15 minutes every day (promotes vitamin D production in the body)
  • Relax, let go and have fun

Anyone who wants to know more about primal eating will find all the information in the books of Marc Sissor.

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