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Editor'S Choice

New Emojis: Now there is also a middle finger symbol

The new emojis are more than just simple smileys.
Photo: Kai Jabs / Westend61 / Corbis

Full-stop full-stop comma line?

Emojis are now indispensable for SMS, Whatsapp and Facebook messages. Who thinks that there are the small chat symbols in every possible execution, but has been mistaken. Soon there will be more.

Faces, animals, plants, clothes - hardly any news comes out without a few funny tags in the form of emojis . The huge selection at the moment does not seem to be enough: there will be much more! About 250 new emojis will be available in July.

One of the newcomers receives particular attention: the outstretched middle finger. He has been longing for the Emoji disciples for quite some time, and therefore he ensures that the anticipation is boundless. How could one better express his displeasure ?

Unsurprisingly, many of the new emojis seem a bit useless. When should you really need a triangle with rounded corners, a floppy disk or a fax icon, for example?

But there are some logical additions: Anyone who wants to get along after the middle finger emoji will soon also have a peace dove and a waving white flag to choose from ...

A complete list of new emojis can be found at Emojipedia.

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