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New Barbie Lammily has real curves

An end to the artificial curves, Vespentaille and oversized bust - the new Barbie looks like a real woman. True to the motto "strong is the new skinny", American artist Nickolay Lamm presents a new generation of Barbie.

Allow! This is Lammily, the natural Barbie
Photo: Nicolay lamb

Lammily - that's the name of the new doll - just looks quite normal. Something burly thighs, normal bust and casual clothes. Just like you and me. The body of an average 19-year-old is modeled in the USA.

The pilot project was financed by crowdfunding. Already within 24 hours, Lamb had the $ 95, 000 seed capital to start production together. In the meantime, it is around 500, 000 euros. From November Lammily will be in stores.

Toy giant Matell is now trying to counteract this trend. "Entrepreneur Barbie" is the latest invention of Barbie manufacturers. She is an independent business woman with her own business - without neglecting her appearance. Chic costume with matching briefcase included.

For whom parents ultimately decide - whether Lammily and "Entrepreneur-Barbie" - it is a toy. A doll. Whether Vespentaille or stocky thighs: For the little ones that will most likely not matter.
